1. Topic-
To discuss and study the 5 Spanish Master Artists reviewed in class with fellow classmates through blogging.
2. Content-
Spanish vocabulary involving art.
Use of present and future tenses in Spanish.
Unit 3 - Spanish Masters (Picasso, Dali, El Greco, Goya and Velazquez)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To correctly identify paintings by the 5 artists studied in class - art identification
2. To share one's opinion of various paintings in the target language - Spanish
3. To utilize technology (blogging) to interact with classmates about the art unit
4. Objectives-
1. To be able to identify art by artist
2. To discuss feelings and opinions about art in Spanish
3. To learn to blog with classmates and discuss the topic/unit
5. Materials and Aids-
Computer Lab or Laptop Cart
Presentation Station Projector
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

~90 Minute Block~

Warm up - Dark room, lights out, three paintings projected on smart board - who can tell me who painted each and one fact about each? (10 minutes)

(The 5 artists that have already been introduced through notes and paintings within the past week)

B. Development-

1. Review and discussion of the warm-up.
2. Point out specifics about each one and how one can identify the artist.
Example: El Greco painted elongated bodies.
(10 minutes)

C. Practice-

1. An 8 slide power point to test their knowledge. Some artists will be repeated. As we click through be sure to pick one that is your "favorite". (8 minutes)
2. Check for understanding - ask students to grade themselves and see how many the identified correctly. (10 minutes)
3. Ask 4 students to share which is their favorite and why (in the target language).
(8 minutes)

D. Independent Practice-

1. Take out your laptops and log onto our class website.
2. You have two assignments to complete in the next 30 minutes.
Assignment #1 - Go to our blog, add a blog/discussion post labeled "Mi Favorito" and express in 3-5 sentences (in Spanish) which painting is your favorite from those we have studied in class this past week. Be sure to include your name, the name of the painting and the artist. When complete, read some of your classmates choices and comment on 2 of your peers blog posts. Be sure to add something that is both appropriate and helpful as a reply.

Assignment #2 - Return to our class homepage and search for the link that reads ARTIST IDENTIFICATION PRACTICE. Here, you will be directed to a Quia quiz that will allow you to practice your art skills. You are to complete the quiz as many times as needed until you score a perfect grade. Keep in mind that I see how many submissions you needed before success and also that you have limited time until the bell rings, so don't simply guess or waste time!

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Provide extended time (in the learning lab) for my special education students.


F. Checking for understanding-

1. Circulate around the room during laptop work to assure students are on task.
2. Log onto the blog later in the day and check that all students were blogging and also check for Spanish accuracy.
3. Review the Quia quiz scores and identify which students were having problems by checking how many entries were submitted.

G. Closure-

1. When you have finished, please return your laptops to the correct bin, plug them in for charging and be prepared for your exit question.
2. Stand at the door and show each student a reproduction (mini-poster) of a painting. The student must correctly identify the artist in order to exit the room.
(10 minutes)
7. Evaluation-
1. Students are administered a unit assessments for the Art Unit. I will evaluate their understanding through daily checks, but ultimately will gage their understanding and learning with the unit test.
8. Teacher Reflection-
This is a great unit! I love teaching art history and I look forward to incorporating blogging into this unit (in two more weeks!)

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)