1. Topic-
El Alfabeto y Saludos.
(The alphabet and greetings)
2. Content-
Pronunciation of Spanish alphabet. Learning how to greet and bid farewells. Introducing yourself, asking someone's name and saying someone else's name. A fact about Hispanic culture may be given at times if it correlates to the lesson. These facts are to be written down and discussed in class. Fact for this lesson : Adult men tend to greet female friends with a beso (kiss) on the cheek. Men often greet another man with an abrazo (hug) and a couple of pats on the back.
Vocabulario: Me llamo, como te llamas buenos dias, buenas tardes, adios, hola, nos vemos, igualmente, mucho gusto, gracias, saludo, despedida, como estan ustedes, como se llama?
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Ability to recite the Spanish alphabet and spell one's name
2. Greeting and bidding farewell with classmates.
3. Saying who you are and asking someone who they are
4. Objectives-
1.Active participation
2.Be on time to class and not disturbing others while learning
3.Come to class prepared with the necessary materials.
5. Materials and Aids-
Pen/pencil, paper, Spanish textbook, notebook with dividers, and iPad
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

In the beginning of class, everyone will participate in an activity. This exercise will help everyone learn the Spanish alphabet and help with pronunciation. I will take a volunteer to sit by himself on one side of the classroom and everyone else together. I say the letter, the group says it then the student that is alone says it. This activity is to give everyone a chance for class participation. The volunteer is at the most advantage because I can hear any mispronouncing.

B. Development-

1.The class will center around oral lessons because that is the best and surest way to learn another language. When it comes to pronouncing a word correctly, I will always give them the proper pronunciation and work with those that are having troubles.
2. When writing in Spanish, I will expect them to write cohesive sentences using the proper punctuation ,this will be shown many times in class.

C. Practice-

1. Students will practice what they are learning during class with a partner, the partner will always be different to help each student find errors they may have not caught before.
2. Whenever a student is reading in Spanish, it gives me the opportunity to observe their strengths and weaknesses.
3.Classwork will be given randomly to see where the class is and if there is a clear understanding of the lesson.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Classwork is to be turned in during class time unless certain accommodations have been made.
2. Extra worksheets will always be available to student's who need a little more help, and I will check over their work.
3. Quizzes will be given. There will always be a study guide given before a test and a rubric.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Any student who appears to be struggling may be given extra worksheets to complete and hand in. They will not be for a grade, simply for me to see what level they may be at.
2. Within the first week, students will be given a take home questionnaire that will ask questions such as the following: How comfortable are you with learning another language, making presentations in class, working in pairs/groups. The questions are for me to see how my students will feel about certain activities and if I need to accommodate to anyone.
3.Tutorial is always available but if they is not feasible, I will allow a student is who doing well to help anyone who is falling behind.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.I will always stop and ask if there are any questions after explaining a new concept. If a student does not feel comfortable asking out loud, they can always stop by in the morning before class or after.
2.Quizzes will be given and the students will be notified what day they will take it.
3.Tests will at the end of each chapter. There are two parts to the tests, written and oral. A rubric will be given in advance that will grade the presentation the student has to give. It will not be a long presentation, simply me asking the student a couple of questions and then the correct responses. For example: I would ask, Como te llamas? Or say, nos vemos and I will expect the correct reply. I will ask four different questions that we have learned from the specific chapter.

G. Closure-

1.I will ask what were the key concepts of today's lesson to see what they found most important.
2. Let them know what they can expect for the next class.
7. Evaluation-
1.Keep track of student's improvements. Just because a student is not getting A's does not mean they do not understand the lesson. Improvement means a lot and will be taken into consideration.
2. Tests are mandatory but do not stand for what a student knows. This is why there is a two part to the tests, an oral and written, If a student succeeds in written but not when speaking, then we can work to better that aspect.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)