1. Topic-
Expressing Our Emotions in Spanish
2. Content-
Feeling Phrases
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
That the student will forever be able to express his/her feelings in Spanish both orally and in written form.
4. Objectives-
1. Express his/her emotions in Spanish in verbal and written form
2. Translate emotion sentences from English to Spanish and Spanish to English
3. Visually identify an emotion and translate it into Spanish
5. Materials and Aids-
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

(Opening) Good morning class!
(Lesson Objectives)Today we're going to learn how to express our feelings in Spanish. For example, how would you feel if it was 100 degrees outside and you were wearing a sweater??!! Exactly! You would feel hot. Or how would you feel if it was 10 o'clock at night and you didn't eat yet?
[Having one more opening question, all students should feel confident with the emotion questions and ready to translate!]

B. Development-

1.Initial Vocabulary Introduction- On the first worksheet with pictures, I am saying each phrase as the students repeat after me.
2. We then look at each picture and determine what it means in English.
3. From there, I will teach the students simple gestures to help them remember what each phrase means.
4. We will again repeat the phrases in Spanish, using the gestures.

C. Practice-

Charades [Using the gestures that I just taught them, I will start a game of charades, where I use a gesture and they say the correct Spanish phrase. The game will continue, allowing every student a chance to stand and do a gesture.]

D. Independent Practice-

1. In class worksheet
2. Exit speaking assessment
3. Homework/Worksheet

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Everything is written and spoken to help both types of learners.
2. Gestures are to help make this lesson more physical for those who learn that way as well.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students repeat after the teacher as she initially introduces vocabulary, allowing the teacher to make corrections
2. During Charades, the teacher can again identify any mistakes in speaking or misunderstandings as to what phrases mean
3. The exit slip assessment is the final chance to make sure students understand.

G. Closure-

1. Conclusion [At the end of class, we will go through all of the gestures/phrases as a class and I will introduce the homework.]
2. Exit Assessment [Each student must translate a phrase before leaving the class.]

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)