1. Topic-
Direct Objects
2. Content-
Rules, usage, and identification of direct objects and action verbs
3. Objectives-
The students will identify and use direct objects and action verbs in sentences.
4. Materials and Aids-
Textbooks, Interactive board, blank index cards (10 for each group), worksheets
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. As we begin, I will ask students what they remember from the previous lesson

2. I will then ask students to names the action verb in a given sentence. For example: The horse performs tricks. Then I will ask, "What does the horse perform?"

3. After discussion, I will focus their attention to the textbook as we go over the rules of direct objects

B. Development-

1. I will model throughout the lesson through the examples I give in the introduction

2. I will also explain the rules of direct objects so that students can identify them in practice questions

3. After the practice questions, I will reinforce what we learned by modeling a direct object by giving them an action while describing it in full sentence. For example: I erase the board. I will ask students to show me what the object of the action is (the board)

C. Practice-

1. Students will be guided throughout the practice questions in their textbook

2. I will then display 5 sentences on the interactive board and students will come up to identify the action verb and direct object in each sentence

3. Students will move on in the "More Practice" section of their textbooks filling in the blanks of sentences with a direct object

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will work in groups to create silly sentences by writing a different action verb on each of five index cards and nouns or pronouns on another set of five index cards

2. When students finish, they will place the cards face down and each partner will take turns flipping over a card from each pile

3. Groups will have 30 seconds to create their silly sentence from the cards that are flipped. When groups are done, they will each have the chance to share a silly sentence with the class

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. LD students will be in groups with general ed students

2. LD students will have their homework worksheets read to them and will be allowed extra time if needed

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Throughout the lesson, I will check for understanding through the questions I ask. If students answer correctly, I know that they are staying on task and understand what is being taught

2. I will also know students understand through the questions I present on the board. If students correctly identify the action verbs and direct objects, I know they understand

3. I will also check for understanding if groups can correctly write down various action verbs and nouns on their index cards to complete the activity

G. Closure-

1. When the lesson is completed, I will ask students what they learned

2. We will go over the definitions of direct objects and action verbs

3. Students will be given a worksheet over the lesson as homework
7. Evaluation-
1. Students will be informally evaluated throughout the lesson through their participation in the practice questions and group activity

2. Students will be formally evaluated on their worksheets they turn in for homework

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)