1. Topic-
2. Content-
center of interest
rule of thirds
leading lines
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.To define photojournalism and photo-ops
2.To successfully use these techniques in The Lighthouse
3.To grasp a better understanding of the importance of visuals
4. Objectives-
1.To learn to identify and evaluate biased photos
2. To understand the different types of photo ops
3. To apply the PowerPoint to activities
5. Materials and Aids-
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Do Now- Look at the photo on the PowerPoint. Give a brief description on what this photo tells you, and critique it. Tell what you like, don't like, and look at it as if you were a photography editor.
*Will not go over right away

B. Development-

1. PowerPoint - Students will be given a sheet to take notes, and a short question and answer period will follow

C. Practice-

Activity 1 - "The Camera Never Lies"
Students will read the handout, "The Camera Never Lies" and answer the following questions:
1)What guidelines should govern the altering of photographs that are used in newspapers or publications?
2)At what point should the reader/viewer be informed that a photo has been altered?

D. Independent Practice-

Discussion will be initiated with discussion as different opinions are formed, which will then tie into their Do Now responses and if their analysis changed or not.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Activity 2- Students will get into their groups, as assigned, and take pictures around the room. The picture should one, use the techniques they had just learned, a caption should be developed, and a story should be able to be told.
(Students will pass around the camera to each student as the group gives an explanation)

F. Checking for understanding-

Homework Assignment:
1)Search online for a photo taken by a staff journalist, and deem it to be biased based on the tools they had learned.
2)Answer the question, who should be held accountable for a published photo's validity - the newspaper itself, editors, or photographers? Explain your opinion in a paragraph.

G. Closure-

Final Question and Answer Session
7. Evaluation-
Students will be evaluated and graded on their homework

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)