1. Topic-
Birthday Party!
2. Content-
The level 1 ELL student will see a photo of a present and other nouns related to a birthday party and the word written in English underneath that word. They then must say the word, write the word, and translate it in their native language.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Student will be able to learn the word associated with the picture.
2. Student will be able to connect that the word and the picture are the same.
3. Student will know how to use a translator dictionary to figure out what the word is in their native language.
4. Objectives-
By the end of this lesson, level 1 ELL students will be able to:
Identify a picture and relate it to what it is in English and their native language.
Write the word in both English and their native language.
Understand that the words and the picture mean the same thing.
5. Materials and Aids-
Television or Computer
Pictures of birthday party related NOUNS such as a present.
Translation Dictionary.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Introduce the student to the computer by modeling how to use the keyboard and mouse. Show them how to navigate the assigned pictures.

B. Development-

Model the assignment that should be completed:
Look at first picture, and say the word associated with it a couple times.
Look this word up in the dictionary.
Write the word in both English and the students native language down on the paper.
Repeat the word in English, and in the student's native language.

C. Practice-

1. After modeling the assignment, the student should be able to repeat those steps.
2. Allow the student to try different pictures while the teacher guides them, making sure each step is done correctly.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Allow the student to do a couple pictures on their own.
2. Measure the progress as the student goes by how well they can say each word, and if they can translate it using their dictionary.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. The student may need help from the teacher, or peers to sound out English words, or find the word in the dictionary.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. The student will turn in the written words to the teacher.
2. The teacher can then ask the student to repeat the words in English.

G. Closure-

1. First the student will have written all of the words down, and repeated them to the teacher. After this, put all of the pictures in front of the student and ask them to say each word, and point to the corresponding picture.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)