1. Topic-
"FORTUNE TELLER" and Everyday life activities
2. Content-
Vocabulary related to daily habits and machines we use at home and their function.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.To review or reinforce future tense.
2.Interact with others.
3.Reinforce communication
4. The students will learn to use expressions related to everyday habits.
5.To review and extend the children's knowledge of the imperative form.
4. Objectives-
1.Practice making and answering future questions
2.Shaped structures
3.Give opportunity to practice
4. To introduce the theme of daily life and routines.
5.To introduce key vocabulary for daily routines.
6.To reinforce the children's experience of word and sentence stress.
5. Materials and Aids-
a blanket, a bar of soap, clothing, and egg, a toy dog, a dog food dish, a hair brush, tooth brush, a bag, a hat.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.The teacher explains some of the students will pretend to be "a fortune teller"
2.And the other will want to have their fortune told.
3.Draw a picture of a rocket about to take off on the board. Have the children count down from ten to zero and shout "Lift off"
4.Give each student a copy of the song "count down to school"
5.Play the music, take out the items you brought to class to demonstrate each action as it occurs in the song. Invite the students to follow you.

B. Development-

1.Divide the class into pairs
2.Student A of each pair will be the fortune teller and student B will be the fortune told.
3.Student A takes the hand of student B and looks searchingly.
4.Student B make questions like "Will I be rich?" "where will I be living in ten years?", etc.
5. Student A improvises the answers."yes you will be rich but only if you marry to an ugly woman"
6.Fortune teller can also volunteer information without waiting for a question.

Round Two

1.Play the CD again and have the children join in with the words.
2.Act out each action again, to reinforce children understanding of the language.
3.Say Get up! Get up! and have the children act out the instruction.
4. Continue in this way with all the activities in the song, until the children are able to respond without any prompts from you.
5.Play the CD again and have the children listen and act out each action as it occurs.
6.Using the phrases introduced in the song, split up the verbs and their complements and write each on separate cards.
Example: pick Up/my bag.
7.With a set of these cards give each group of four children and have them match the correct verb to the correct complement.


C. Practice-

1.Have the children work in pair and make an act out mini-dialogues based on the song.
2.One child takes the role of a parent a gives instructions,and the other role of the child, responding to the parent's instructions.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Give each student the worksheet.
2.Have the children work in pairs to write the names of the activities under each picture.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Pairs facing each other throughout the classroom.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Have the students use the vocabulary they have learned to write a list of all the things they do in the morning in the correct order.
2.Have the children work in pairs to compare their lists and make sentences about the differences they find.
3.Walk around to monitor as they do this.

G. Closure-

1.Have the children count down to zero to higher numbers.
2.This can be done either as a whole class or in a circle with each student saying the next number.
7. Evaluation-
1.They responded satisfactorily to exercise and task.
2.Most of them found difficult to assimilate the intention in meaning of some items of vocabulary.
8. Teacher Reflection-
This warm up has been perfect for my students from different ages and levels to fasten the future tense.
It also generates an important change in participation and motivation during the class.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)