1. Topic-
Listening Comprehension and writing an adequate retelling or summary.
2. Content-
The main focus of this lesson is to write an adequate retelling of the story the students watched as a video book.
Key Vocabulary Words
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Increase student ability to independently write a retelling after hearing a story.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to write a retelling of the video book "Why Mosquitos Buzz".
2.Students will be able to give different aspects of a retelling orally.
5. Materials and Aids-
-Smart board & Projector
-Safari Montage video "Why Mosquitos Buzz"
-Retelling response sheet
-Retelling Rubric
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Introduce writing a retelling/summary and explain that we are going to review what goes into a retelling, watch "Why Mosquitos Buzz", and then the students will write a retelling for the story.

B. Development-

Using Smart Notebook review the definition of a retelling and reasons why you might retell a story.

C. Practice-

As a group have students give aspects of a good retelling. Prompt students if needed to get all of the main parts of a retelling. That it gives the main events of the story, follows the order of events in the story, and uses complete sentences that connect together. Then review retelling rubric with the students.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Play video of "Why Mosquitos Buzz"
2. Quickly review rubric and how it is used.
3. Have students get their materials, then sit to begin writing.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Students have differentiated worksheets based on their IEP and current independent writing skills.
2. Students may receive additional support as needed throughout the lesson.
7. Evaluation-
Students will be assessed by their responses during the guided practice portion of the lesson. Additionally, the student retellings will be assessed using the rubric provided to the students.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)