1. Topic-
2. Content-
1. abhor (verb) "� loathe

2. abjure (verb) "� deny, renounce

3. augment (verb) "� increase in size

4. benediction (noun) "� an expression of good wishes

5. blanched (verb) "� turned white

6. brandish (verb) "� wave in the air

7. bounteous (adj.) "� generous

8. chalice (noun) "� cup

9. chastise (verb) "� punish

10. cistern (noun) "� reservoir

11. clamorous (adj.) "� noisy

12. consort (noun) "� associate, cohort

13. corporal (adj.) "� bodily

14. dauntless (adj.) "� fearless

15. desolate (adj.) "� alone
1. disdain (noun) "� contempt or scorn

2. diminutive (adj.) "� tiny

3. direness (noun) "� evil

4. discern (verb) "� detect

5. entreat (verb) "� plead for

6. equivocate (verb) "� to intentionally deceive or confuse

7. gibbet (noun) "� gallows

8. impedes (verb) "� prevents

9. intemperance (noun) "� lack of moderation

10. incensed (adj.) "� angered

11. jocund (adj.) "� merry

12. judicious (adj.) "� wise

13. malevolence (noun) "� ill feeling

14. mirth (noun) "� gladness that comes from laughter

15. multitudinous (adj.) "� consisting of a great number of individuals

Vocabulary "� Macbeth 3

1. murky (adj.) "� dark, gloomy

2. knell (noun) "� the stroke or sound of a bell

3. palpable (adj.) "� touchable

4. peerless (adj.) "� unequalled

5. pernicious (adj.) "� destructive

6. perturbation (noun) "� agitation

7. plight (noun) "� predicament

8. prate (verb) "� to talk on and on

9. harbinger (noun) "� one who signals the approach of another

10. profound (adj.) "� very deep

11. prowess (noun) "� courage

12. rapt (verb) "� absorbed in thought

13. recoil (verb) "� pull back in a startled manner

14. recompense (noun) "� reimbursement; compensation

15. redress (verb) "� make amends for

Vocabulary "� Macbeth 4

1. repose (noun) "� rest; calmness

2. resolute (adj.) "� form or determined; unwavering

3. sear (verb) "� burn

4. sere (adj.) "� withered

5. stanchless (adj.) "� insatiable

6. surfeit (verb) "� to overindulge

7. sundry (adj.) "� varied

8. surmise (verb) "� imagine, guess

9. tarry (verb) "� linger

10. temperate (adj.) "� calm, even tempered

11. undivulged (adj.) "� unrevealed

12. unruly (adj.) "� wild, untamed

13. upbraid (verb) "� scold

14. valor (noun) "� bravery

15. verity (noun) "� truth

Vocabulary "� Macbeth 5

1. apace (adv.) "� at a rapid pace; quickly

2. assay (verb) "� to evaluate; assess

3. avarice (noun) "� greed

4. bane (noun) "� a cause of harm, ruin, or death

5. compassed (verb) "� surrounded

6. compunctions (noun) "� a strong uneasiness caused by feelings of guilt

7. disjoint (verb) "� to dislocate; to separate

8. eminence (noun) "� a position of distinction or superiority

9. incarnadine (adj.) "�blood-red

10. interdiction (noun) "� a prohibition by court order

11. mettle (noun)"� courage and fortitude; spirit

12. nonpareil (adj.)"� without equal

13. predominance (noun) "� superior power

14. purgative (adj.) "� cleansing

15. purveyor (noun) "� one that furnishes provisions, especially food

Vocabulary - Macbeth 6

1. prophetic (adj.) - foretelling events as if by divine inspiration

2. direful (adj.) - dreadful; terrible

3. vantage (noun) - a position that provides a broad view of a place or idea

4. trammel (verb) - to entrap or confine

5. chamberlain (noun) - a person who manages the household of a ruler or nobleman

6. posterity (noun) - future generations

7. bestow (verb) - to give or grant

8. rancor (noun) - malice; spitefulness

9. appall (verb) - to horrify; to shock

10. laudably (adv.) - deserving praise; commendable

11. blaspheme (verb) - to speak in an irreverent way about sacred things

12. covet (verb) - to have a strong desire for something

13. fain (adv.) - gladly

14. censure (verb) - to criticize or disapprove severely

15. speculative (adj.) - theoretical
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.read and understand "Macbeth".
2.apply verifying strategies to what they have read.
3.apply prediction strategies to what they have
4. make comparisons between characters as they (& undergo changes in "Macbeth".
5. apply the themes of "Macbeth" to their lives today.
5. Materials and Aids-
copies of "Macbeth" for
each student. There are many different readability
levels available
6. Procedures/Methods-


1.Students will discuss the changes that each main
character has undergone in the play.(Ex. Lady Macbeth develops a conscience and
Macbeth loses his conscience.)
2. Students examine the motives that led to the
changes in each main character. This examination
will lead to the discovery of the themes of the play; greed disguised as ambition and truth disguised as rationalization. (There are other themes to discover.)

D. Independent Practice-

After examining historical events and current world affairs, students are able to write an essay comparing the event to the themes of "Macbeth".
Some events have included the Civil Rights movement, the destruction of rain forests, the L.A. riots, and the plight of the inner cities.
The age level and experience of the students will lead to more comparisons.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

The students will turn their essays in for an automatic 100. I will check for mechanics and content. They will then revise their essays as they choose and they will present their essays to the class in any format they choose. They may simply read their essays, or they can choose an alternate way to present their topic. The class will then discuss the different issues their peers brought up.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)