1. Topic-
Writer's Craft Unit Noticing, Immersion, and Dialogue
2. Content-
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Students will recognize and know how to use dialogue
4. Objectives-
Students will be able to write a sentence using dialogue

5. Materials and Aids-
Dialogue Samples
from"the Art of Writing"
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

I will explain what a dialogue means


B. Development-

Dialogue is an important element of any story. It adds to the action and allows readers to experience what the characters say. Characters become credible through effective dialogue. Without characters who converse, most stories would be flat and uninteresting.

We will review the examples on the overhead "Dialogue Samples" I will point out the correct way to write dialogue. Especially note that in Example 2, a comma follows said and the "a" in at is lower case. In Example 3, a period follows Joe, and the "T" in those is capitalized. In Example 4, the question mark takes the place of the comma.

When you are reading your stories, ask yourself these questions; Why do the character's words sound realistic?
How do the words show what kind of person the character is?

C. Practice-

I will show the story we have been reading "NO More Dead Dogs" on the overhead. I will read pages 11-19 stopping where there is dialogue.
Does this sound realistic?
What does this say about the character in this story?
Does it add to what we already know about this character?
Students will turn and talk to their groups and share out whole group each question.

D. Independent Practice-

As you read your stories look for dialogue between characters.

Notice how the dialogue is written. Notice what it tells you about the character.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

I will be conferring with students during their independent reading asking them questions about what we have learned.


F. Checking for understanding-

Students will have an exit task where they will put dialogue marks around two sentences showing me they understand their use.

G. Closure-

Look for examples of dialogue in a story or book when you need to refresh your memory of the rules of punctuation for dialogue.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)