1. Topic-
Read Suspense Literature and Describe Moods.
2. Content-
Understand general sense, main ideas, and some details of a suspense narrative.
-Infer main ideas from details.
-Answer questions to infer characters' moods from explicit information.
-Relate moods to specific moments in a narrative.

Describe characters' moods in a suspense narrative.
-Relate moods to characters.
-Make sentences to express moods.
-Complete sentences to express moods.
-Describe characters' moods.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Ss will used various strategies to understand narratives.
2. Ss infers the general meaning and main ideas from details.
3. Ss writes opinions regarding moods.
4. Objectives-
1. Ss will be able to propose and write examples of the situations that describe the emotions.
2. Ss will be able to determine the emotion and mood of the story by analyzing detail and figurative language.
3. Ss will be able to make a drawing to present and explained the emotionally base on the story of Dracula.
5. Materials and Aids-
Notebook, worksheet, whiteboard, projector, audio book and cardboard
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. T asks random Ss: How do you feel the last weekend? In order to communicate an emotion and review vocabulary.

B. Development-

1. Ask Ss what is an emotion and a mood?
2. Discuss both and use reality to have a clear understanding.
3. T reads to the class the story of "Dracula" using gestures and body language to express de different emotions. Then T plays the audio book of the same story so that Ss' listen to the change of the voice when using emotions and moods.

C. Practice-

1. Ss write a sentence describing why the character is on that mood according to the image in the worksheet.
2. Once finish, Ss work in pairs to share the emotion they interpreted in the images from the worksheet.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Ss complete the missing words of the story by listening to the audio book one more time (Worksheet).
2. Ss receive another worksheet with pictures and sentences in disorder. Ss must cut and paste each picture with each emotion in correct form to form a brochure with a color paper that T provides them (if time runs out Ss do it for homework).

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. T identifies the Ss that have a higher level of English and used them as monitors to go around and explained the activity to those Ss that struggle.
2. Speak directly to Ss; use gestures and natural expressions to convey further meaning.
3. For Ss who need additional assistance with fluency for the independent practice portion of the reading they have to conduct on their own, T will provide Ss with a video version of the story to use as they read the text. An video version on YouTube.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Ss complete a chart writing on one side a list of the emotions that in their opinion they appreciate in the audio and in the other side the emotions that they felt when the T read the story.
2. T gives an example of how the work is going to be done by doing the chart on the board and doing the first emotion from the audio and the written story, then Ss do the rest of the activity by themselves.

G. Closure-

T gives feedback of the activity just done, Ss must draw s scene from "Dracula"and capture a specific emotion or a mood, then explained the drawing to the class.
7. Evaluation-
Ss pass to the front of the class to present the emotionally that they draw, using gestures and body language Ss get across their idea with ease.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Overall, this lesson went very well. I feel that the Ss understood everything that was expected of them and they really did live up to my expectations. The products were well put together and very creative. The Ss worked well with their partners and really enjoyed showing the rest of the class what they had done on their project.

The only part that I would change the next time I do this lesson is to give at least two days for completing the project and presenting. Trying to squeeze all the work in one day was very difficult.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)