1. Topic-
2. Content-
"One More Lesson" by Judith Ortiz Cofer

1. Architecture- the art or science of designing and building structures
2. Dilapidated- partly ruined or decayed from age or lack of care.
3. Vertebrae- bones making up the spinal column.
4. Functional- designed mainly to be useful rather than to look good.
5. Recede- move back, become more distant.
6. Interspersed- scattered or placed here and there among other things or people.
7. Immersion method- learning a foreign language by using only that language.
8.Arsenal-collection or supply.
9. Insatiable- incapable of being satisfied; always wanting more.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will be able to foreshadow upon reading the beginning of the text.
2.Students will summarize the text by answering key questions.
3.Students will be able to find an aspect of the story that relates to their lives.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to collect knowledge from a story in order to help them understand the authors purpose with 90% accuracy.
2.Students will be able to explain the moral of a story with 95% accuracy.
3.Students will be able to draw conclusions by summarizing the text based on answering key questions with 97%% accuracy.
5. Materials and Aids-
Printed out: "One More Lesson" by Judoth Ortiz Cofer

6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Do Now: Think about the first time of a new experience. How did you feel? What did you think would happen? Write a one paragraph account of that experience. Try to find an instance that you don't mind sharing with your peers.

B. Development-

Before they read we will go through the key vocabulary.

C. Practice-

1.Students will have 3 minutes to read the first paragraph of the handout and jot down what they think the story will be about.

2.They will then have 7 minutes to read the remainder of the handout.

D. Independent Practice-

Students will orally answer the following questions:

1. Someone tell me how Judith was betrayed in the story?
a. the boy lies to her
b. her inability to read English
c. by the teachers lack of understanding.
2.When did you first suspect that something unpleasant would happen to Judith?
a.the description of the building
b.the parents' protectiveness
c. Judith's inability to speak English all foreshadow an unpleasant event
3.What is the moral of the story? What lesson does the story try to teach?
"language is the only weapon a child has against the absolute power of adults." Language is the best weapon a person can have. Its more powerful than your fists, a knife, or even a gun because it gives you the power to make people think the way you want them to. However, the only way you can use this weapon is by building your vocabulary so that you can express yourself. The only way to build your vocabulary is to read.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.I will asses the students prior knowledge by the paragraph that they write and share orally with the class.
2.I will assess the students understanding of the material by the way in which they answer the questions.

G. Closure-

1.Tell the kids how great the class was, and thank them for allowing me in their classroom and to teach them.
7. Evaluation-
Not a regular class just a demo lesson.
8. Teacher Reflection-

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)