1. Topic-
The Fossil Kid
2. Content-
Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary in context
3. Objectives-
1. Students will read the nonfiction text and identify facts.

2.Students will develop follow-up questions about gathered information.

3. Students will be able to recognize the author's purpose in writing the text.
4. Materials and Aids-
copies of "The Fossil Kid"
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Inform students that we will be reading an article that has a lot of information.

2. Explain that we will need to keep track of all the new information we learn from the article.

3. Draw a chart on the board and label one side "things we found out" and the other side "things we want to know"

B. Development-

Draw a chart on the board and label one side "things we found out" and the other side "things we want to know"

C. Practice-

1. Begin reading the text as a class, each student reading one sentence out loud.
2. After each paragraph ask comprehension questions (who is this about? what does he do? how?)
3. Explain new words to students as we come across them.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Have students break into smaller groups and reread the text themselves.

2. Tell the students to write down 5 new things they've learned from the text and 5 questions they have.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Groups should be differentiated (i.e. strong readers paired with weaker students)

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Ask students to share what they have learned and what questions they have after reading the text again.

2. Write students' responses in the chart on the board.

3. Ask students why they think the author chose to write this article.

G. Closure-

1. Ask students how they could find the answers to their questions (the Internet, the library, etc.)

2. For homework students will find the answer to one of the questions.
7. Evaluation-
1. student participation in discussion

2. reading fluency and comprehension skills

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)