1. Topic-
"The Great Gatsby" Assessment
2. Content-
Literary Elements: Characterization, Tone, Foreshadowing, Setting, Plot, Style, Point of view

PA Standard: 1.1.10.D: Demonstrate comprehension / understanding before reading, during reading, and after reading on a variety of literary works through strategies such as comparing and contrasting text elements, assessing validity of text based upon content, and evaluating author's strategies.

PA Standard: 1.3.10.C: Analyze the use and effectiveness of literary elements (characterization, setting, plot, theme, point of view, tone, mood, foreshadowing and style) used by authors in a variety of genres.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to utilize literary elements when analyzing a piece of literature

2. Students will be able to effectively work together to conduct a class discussion
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to remain on task while working in groups of four to five

2. Students will be able to hold a class discussion with minimal teacher direction
5. Materials and Aids-
5 sheets of 3ft rolled paper
5 different colored markers
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. 5 pieces of paper will be hung up in various parts of the room with the words "Characterization of Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway", "Foreshadowing," "Themes" "Tom and Daisy Buchanan", "Plot" written on each one.
2. Teacher will have students "count-off" and divide into 4-5 groups.

B. Development-

Students will be doing a "Carousel Walk" to wrap up a unit on the novel. Students will have about 4 minutes at each paper to write down as much as they can on each subject.

C. Practice-

Teacher will walk around classroom with stop watch, reminding students of time, and observing students' participation

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will get a chance at each paper to write down/add upon
2. This will take about 20-25 minutes to complete

E. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will remain in their groups and class will go over each paper. Each group can explain and defend what they wrote
2. Class will either "agree" or disagree"
3. Students will be allowed to debate amongst themselves

F. Closure-

After debate, teacher and students will change, fix, and evaluate misunderstandings on aspects of the novel
7. Evaluation-
Activity will measure how well students understood novel by their answers written, verbal explanations, and quality of class debate

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)