1. Topic-
To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Content-
Vocabulary used in To Kill a Mockingbird
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.To provide students with in-depth understanding of how TKAM vocabulary expands the development of reading comprehension and development throughout the entirety of the novel
2. To introduce students to unfamiliar vocabulary
3.To increase students' awareness of word association through vocabulary use
4. Materials and Aids-
Thinking Maps, To Kill a Mockingbird, online wiki pages, markers, post it note paper
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Students will read the novel in the summer
2. Students will develop a vocabulary list of 40 words that are unfamiliar to them
3. Students will write these words as they are used within the context of the novel (writing the sentence or paragraph from which the word is found)

B. Development-

1. Instructor will use words from the book to enhance historical value and content importance
2. Instructor will use words to reflect SAT practice and to help students develop higher order thinking once they have a significant understanding of the words and their definitions.

C. Practice-

1. As a class, students will use Thinking Maps (circles) in order to complete full scale diagrams so as to understand the word and learn the definition applied to it. With the Circle Map students will apply the following information: the context in which the word was used in the novel, the definition (dictionary), part of speech in which the word is used in the novel, a paragraph sentence that provides the word and context clues, a visual representation of the word, and 3 levels of association--person, place, and something
2. The instructor will provide the correct spelling for all words including the definition from the book and from the dictionary.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Out of the 40 words chose over the summer, students will provide the instructor with 5 words each, ones that will be used for assessments later. Students will provide the sentence or paragraph in which the word is used.
2. Students will provide words based on the order of chapters. As a class, students will spell the words based on their initial understanding of the phonetics; they will then use separation techniques so as to learn how to spell the word, and they will copy the definition provided to them.
3. After students have completed independent assignments such as the one noted, they will receive the correct spelling of the word on the board; they will provide their own interpretation of definitions.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students with assignment modifications will complete only one circle map each day; they will complete all definitions; they will use a flow map instead of the circle maps so as to gain a more sequential perspective of how the words connect to the definitions, therefore attaching the meaning to the novel.
2. Students who are higher functioning (accelerated or can work at a more rigorous pace) will complete a structured timeline of when the words are used in the novel, how they relate to real-world experiences, and with some type of visual representation of the word used in the novel and its connection to the real-world experience they use.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will take vocabulary tests on the Monday following each week of word study
2. Students will be assigned bell ringers each day in which they will be asked to use one of the words assigned for the chapter studied, and they will also be asked to use it using two different parts of speech

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)