1. Topic-
Listen to two or three phonemes (sounds) when they are read aloud, and tell the number of sounds heard, whether they are the same or different, and the order. (Core Standard) Example: Listen to the sounds /f/, /m/, /s/ or /l/, /n/, /v/. Tell how many sounds were heard and whether any sounds were the same.
2. Content-
Identify new sound: C /c/
Review Sounds: /m/, /p/, /f/
Key phonological skill:
Isolate Initial Sound
6 lesson Unit
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Learn letter and sound
2.Match a pictures initial sound with the corresponding letter
4. Objectives-
1.Children trace and write c and review writing m, p, f
2.children connect /k/ to c
3.children connect initial sound to letter: M/m/,P/p/,C/k/, F/f/
5. Materials and Aids-
Part 1 Teachers Guide to Learning letters and Sounds
Corresponding Materials
-Alphabet card--6
-Picture cards--6
-Tracing cards--6
-Writers worksheets--6
-Phono. Alphabet sheet--6
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Go over phonological alphabet
2.Introduce letter with the C card
3.Next introduce sound/k/

B. Development-

1.distribute tracing cards
model tracing the C top to bottom now ask them to do the same
in review also do this with the m, p, and f

C. Practice-

1.Sound match game with a card with three pictures that either start with the letter c, m, p, or f the students are shown a letter card and then point to the picture on their card that they think begins with that letter.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students are asked individually to respond to a Discrimination sheet containing the letters f, p, c, and m
2.The students complete a writers warm up work sheet containing the letter c,m, p, and f.
3.Complete the first sounds work sheet that contains pictures of words that begin with the letters m,p,f,and c.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Aid the students in holding their pencils to allow them to get the feel for how the pencil should move to accomplish writing the letters.
2.Draw dotted letters for those who cannot start with just the initial starting dot.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Individually ask each child to say the letter, trace it, and give it's proper sound
2.Have students fold their writers work shop sheets so they have to write the letters without a guide to test their understanding of proper writing skills for the particular letter

G. Closure-

1.Individually show children a random letter card and have them recite, trace and give the sound for the letter
2.One day incorporate making letters out of play-dough, making letters in shaving cream, or allow them to use corresponding stamps to fill in a letter shape.
7. Evaluation-
Show an individual child a picture and have him or her identify the beginning sound of the picture.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)