1. Topic-
Poetry: infer beyond the literal meaning (This is a lesson in a
series of lessons from our current Poetry Unit) |
2. Content-
Practice inferential thinking in a poems language through interpretation.
Poems are nonfiction as well as fiction. |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. use the context and background knowledge to infer meaning from
a poems words, lines and phrases.
2.gain an understanding of how to move beyond a literal interpretation
using the strategy of inferring
3. articulate their understanding by sharing their inferences, questions
and interpretations of the poems deeper meanings. |
4. Objectives-
Students will be able think through poem
and infer meaning by practicing and demonstrating this independently.
Common Core Standards:1. Students are able explain what the text says
explicitly and draw inferences from the text in a poem.
5. Materials and Aids-
Copies of poem "Moon" and copies of "Secrets" by Myra Cohn Livingston
from Space Songs. Elmo, sticky notes. Picture of the moon. |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
Engagement: Share picture of the moon. Poems can be non-fiction too.
Share ideas about what we know about the moon and thoughts you might
have had while gazing at it. Our background knowledge and experiences
will help us interpret the poem, just as good readers always do. We
will read the poem and stop and infer and do that we need to read
slowly and carefully and stop and discuss the poets words and put
this together with our own ideas to find the big idea of the poem. |
B. Development-
Remember, poetry is meant to be read aloud. We will choral read
the poem.
Read the poem again slowly, a few lines at at time to stop and carefully
think about certain words and phrases. I will write my inferences
right next to the words or line I'm am trying to understand on a sticky
note "leaving tracks" of my thinking just like you do in your "Just
Right " books. It will be like solving a mystery.
I will model this. |
C. Practice-
We will think through the poem together (we will do this together
for half of the poem" |
D. Independent Practice-
Student's will continue interpreting the poem independently and
then we will share their ideas. |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
Poems will be read aloud by teacher for students below grade level.
Check in with ESL student, and provide her with translator dictionary. |
F. Checking for understanding-
I will meet with small groups and have them interpret "Secrets"
independently first, then check for inferential strategies. |
G. Closure-
Sum up that Poetry inspires us to view familiar topics in new ways.
Our job when we read poetry is to infer the meaning of the words and
phrases by reading slowly, asking questions, bring our own knowledge,
and sharing our ideas. |
7. Evaluation-
Did they gain an understanding of how to move beyond the literal
Were they able to articulate in small groups their understanding of
the poem's deeper meaning? |
8. Teacher Reflection-
I will reflect on the lesson to see if the students have successfully
learned to access poetry beyond the literal meaning when meeting with
them in small groups. |