1. Topic-
Poetry - Sensory Mental Images
2. Content-
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Help students link figurative language in text to personal experience and prior knowledge to
create sensory images that deepen the connection with the text.
4. Objectives-
1. Relate texts to prior knowledge and experiences.
2. Respond to text and use details from stories to support interpretation and make personal
3. Listen to and understand the meaning of texts from a variety of genres including poetry.

5. Materials and Aids-
1. Poem: "Autumn Leaves"� by Unknown
2. An enlarged copy of the poem on an anchor chart
3. Sticky notes
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Say: "Today, we are going to read this poem, "Autumn Leaves"� by an
unknown poet. We'll use our experiences while reading the poem to help
us understand it better. We will think about the language that will help
us to form sensory images in our minds. This type of beautiful language
is called figurative language. It's the language that poet has used to
help use create images, or pictures in our minds."

B. Development-

1. Read the poem and invite students to listen and follow the words as you
point. Reread the poem and invite students to join in a shared reading.
2. Remind students to pay attention to sensory images that they create in their minds as they read.
3. Say: "As we read the poem, pay attention to what you are thinking or imagining about the leaves that the poet is describing. Thinking about
what you might see, hear, smell, and touch will help you to create sensory images while reading the text. First, I'm going to read the poem aloud. You are going to listen and follow the words as I point to them.
Next, I will reread the poem, and you'll join in a shared reading. Then, we all will reread the poem together."
4. Encourage students to combine their personal experience and the poet's
figurative language to help them create mental images.
5. Say: "Let's talk about what we just read. What does the poet try to say to us
about autumn leaves?" (Possible responses: Autumn leaves are colorful;
They cover the ground; There are different kinds of leaves; Leaves fall
in the fall.)
6. Say: "Let's look at the first stanza, the first section. Who would
like to describe the leaves that they thought of?" (Possible responses:
Leaves with different colors like red, yellow, brown, green, and orange
fall down. Their beautiful different colors cover the grounds like a
blanket. Anywhere you go, you see autumn colors"�the colors of
autumn leaves.)
7. Say: "You are right! When I read this poem, I remembered a
time when I took a walk along a hiking trail in the fall. Leaves covered
the walking path, and I walked upon these beautifully colored leaves.
The image of the red, green, yellow, and brown leaves helped me to
imagine a quilt with different patches of autumn leaves. My image of the
autumn quilt covering the hiking trail is similar to the blanket of autumn
leaves covering the town that the poet described."
8. Show a picture of the graphic organizer students will use in order to draw the images they picture in their minds as they read a poem.
9. Say: "Now, let's reread the second stanza silently in our heads. Use words
from this stanza with your personal experiences, or memories, to help
you create sensory images. Let's close our eyes for a few moments to
connect our personal experiences with the figurative language, the
words that poets carefully used, to help us form and create mental
sensory images. Open your eyes when you are ready to share. Who
would like to share your images?" (Possible responses: Leaves from
different trees started falling off. They talk to each other on their way as
they fall down to the ground. Leaves whispered to each other in the air
while drifting in the wind"�this reminds me when I watch the clouds
moving across the blue sky.)

C. Practice-

1.Invite students to discuss with their thinking partners the different
images they think of after reread the third stanza twice.
2. Say: "You are going to read the third stanza quietly in your heads two times. Then, you'll turn and talk to your thinking partner about what images
you create in your mind by using your personal experiences and memories.
3. Listen in to students' discussion to assess their comprehension focusing on linking figurative language and using prior knowledge to create mental sensory images to deepen understanding about texts.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will use a graphic organizer "Visualization Sheet."
2. Students will be able to choose from a bucket of poems, which they will add to their Poetry Folder - along with their Visualization Sheet.
3. Students will read the poem and then draw a picture they form in their minds as well as write about what they believe the poem is about - this can be based on a personal experience or based on what they believe the poet has experienced or wants the reader to know.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Variety of poems of differing reading levels.
2. Students will be able to complete more than one Visualization sheet.
3. For students who are advanced, they can write what they believe the poet's message is on the front and write about their personal experience - if they have one - on the back.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Sit down an confer with students who seem to be having difficulty as well as students who are more advanced in order to explain the extension.
2. Prompt students to think about why the poet wrote the poem. If they are having trouble putting themselves in the poet's shoes, prompt the student to write about why they would write this poem is they were the poet.
3. Prompt students to talk more on the rug or to explain more.

G. Closure-

1. Gather students together for the Share on the rug.
2. Have students bring poems they used in order to fill out their graphic organizer.
3. Remind students of today's mini-lesson focus:
Readers use personal experience and prior knowledge to form and
create sensory mental images that help them to deepen understanding when reading poetry.
4. Direct students to share the images from the poems they read and what they believe the message of the poem is.
7. Evaluation-
1. Poetry Folders to be turned in and read by the teacher.
2. Compare to the Five Senses Word Sheet graphic organizer.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)