1. Topic-
Different Types of Sentences |
2. Content-
By the end of the class, the students will be able to identify,
different types of sentences; such as: declarative, interrogative,
negative and exclamatory, sentences.
1. Negative
2. Exclamatory
3. Interrogative
4. Declarative
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.The student will understand the meaning of each sentence
2. They will be able to write down, examples of these types of sentences
3. The students will be able to identify the types of sentences, for
future encounters. |
4. Objectives-
1.To define the meaning of the basic types of sentences
2. To be able to use them correctly in speech and writing. |
5. Materials and Aids-
Pencils, Worksheet, pictures, notebook, visual Aides, Computer,
Power Point, projector |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1.Teacher greets Students
2.Teacher asks students a.How are they?
b.What day is it?
c.How was their weekend?
3. Teacher asks students of what a sentence is, and the parts of the
sentence (verb, subject, predicate) |
B. Development-
1. After refreshing the meaning of a sentence, The teacher will
proceed to explain, that there are different types of sentences
2. Using a PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will define each basic
type of sentence.
3.The teacher will provide example for the students. |
C. Practice-
1. The teacher will then show (in the presentation) Examples of
the following sentences:
a. Negative
b. Exclamatory
c. Interrogative
d. Declarative
2. Then together with the class, they will proceed to identify each
type of sentence as one of the above.
3. The teacher will then show some pictures, and will dictate a few
examples, of these sentences, using the picture as a reference.
Example: If there is a picture of a dog: The teacher will probably
Is that a dog?
And the students will identify the type of sentence used.
D. Independent Practice-
1.In the presentation, there are big pictures, from which the students
will be asked to construct a sentence that is either:
a. Negative
b. Exclamatory
c. Interrogative
d. Declarative
2. After this is done, the students will have a moment to clear any
doubts, and ask any questions.
3. After the students finish; the teacher will hand out a worksheet
that contains the same pictures, with some sentences; and the student's
job will be to complete the sentence. The worksheet will contain,
pictures, sentences, fill in the blank, and a question. (Like a pop
quiz). |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Students who have learning disabilities will have more time,
and help from the teacher.
2.Preferential seating
3.And the teacher will also use repetition. |
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Teacher will allow students to ask questions, and clear any doubts
that surface during the pop quiz.
2. Teacher will go around the desk and show tell the students if they
have something that is incorrect, or might want to check again.
3. The teacher must reinforce good feedback, every time a students
answers correctly they will receive a praise. |
G. Closure-
1. Teacher will pick up the pop quiz, to evaluate them, to hand
out in the next class.
2. Then the teacher will give the students the following homework:
The homework will be to find 2 pictures on a coloring book, the student
will then proceeded to paint to picture and write (4) sentences on
each picture one of each sentence must be:
1.Negative sentence
2.Exclamatory sentence
3.Interrogative sentence
4.Declaratory sentence
7. Evaluation-
1.The teacher will grade the pop quiz.
2. She will also give points to the students who bring in the homework. |
8. Teacher Reflection-
Teacher must notice if any student had difficulties with the lesson,
the teacher will reinforce this when correcting the pop quiz.
The students who have more difficulties will be ask to participate
more in the next class, when presenting the homework |