1. Topic-
Facts vs. Opinion
2. Content-
Small group work, once person leads the group. Each person in the group is given an equal chance to contribute. Each student will have time to think of an answer while others are writing theirs. What is a fact? What is an opinion? What strategies can you use to identify an opinion when you read? Facts are statements that actually happened or occurred, while opinions are statements that states someone personal views. Readers must be able to distinguish between the two when reading to determine the validity of the text being read.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. listening
2. speaking
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to generate and identify words associated with opinion statements as well as generating fact and opinion statements of their own.
2. Students will discuss and brainstorm in small groups synonyms and antonyms for the five opinion words: like, good, pretty, important and think.
3. Students will also be able to hear the difference between the opinion and fact statements of their peers.

5. Materials and Aids-
Fact/Opinion statements and cards, Pencils or Pens, Paper, worksheets
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Students will give ideas about what they think fact and opinion is while I record it on a T-chart.
2. I will ask the students how they think they can tell the difference between the two types of statements while reading, recording answers on the T-chart as well.

B. Development-

1. Teacher will introduce the idea that opinions can be found by looking for key words.
2. Most words associated with opinion fall under the categories: Like, good, pretty, important and think.

C. Practice-

1. Each group will get six flash cards with statements on them. The group must read through each one individually and determine if it is a fact or opinion making two columns on their desks. When each group has finished the teacher will go through the statements and have the groups raise a fact or opinion card.

D. Independent Practice-

1. I will give each student a fact and opinion worksheet.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Struggling readers will be placed in a group to work with the teacher.
2. While in group work I will read each sentence to the students, having them underline opinion words as they are read and have them explain how they came up with that answer.
3.The entire class will fill in the opinion word chart to use as they read statements and complete practice work to help them recall the key words associated with opinion statements.
4. As examples are said, or explanations made throughout the lesson they will be written on the board for the students to look back to.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will be asked to write down two facts and two opinions.
2.I will say a sentence and I a student if it is a face or opinion and why do they think it is the answer they came up with.

G. Closure-

1.The teacher will review the strategies for determining if a statement is fact or opinion, such as looking for key words, and remembering no such thing as fact words
2. Students will then volunteer to give a fact or opinion.
7. Evaluation-
Worksheet has students use there knowledge of words associated with opinions to identify opinions versus facts and create three facts and opinions of their own.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)