1. Topic-
2. Content-
Context clues. Unfamiliar vocabulary. Rainforest. Interdependence. |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will read a brief article about the rainforest to improve
understanding of topic.
2. Students will participate in a reader's theater performance of
an adaptation of, "The Great Kapok Tree."
3. Students will use associated materials provided by instructor. |
4. Objectives-
1. I can find the main idea of a text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.1
2. I can use strategies such as using context clues and tracking unfamiliar
vocabulary to improve my reading comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.7
3. I can describe how characters interact and respond to major events
and challenges. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3
5. Materials and Aids-
Readworks.org Article, "Secrets of the Rainforest."
"The Great Kapok Tree," reader's theater script (modified).
Folders including: worksheet, pencil, name tag/role ID, sticky notes,
both texts.
Chart paper copy of worksheet.
Chart paper three column table - vocab. |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1. Review prior knowledge.
2. Read "Secrets of the Rainforest," text.
3. Kids fill out and put on name tags. |
B. Development-
1. Model using post it notes
2. Model process for using context clues to ID difficult words.
3. Model think aloud/self-questioning. |
C. Practice-
1.students read along with rainforest text.
2. Students complete top half of worksheet determining main idea of
rainforest text citing provided guidelines for details.
3. Students pre-read script and Mark unfamiliar words. |
D. Independent Practice-
1. Students read their parts of script aloud in reader's theater
2. Students continue to track unfamiliar words and 2-3 students bring
post it to chart paper. Class discussion for determining meaning.
3. Teacher to support discussion of main idea of script.
4. Students determine main idea after reading script and fill out
5. Class discussion |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Scaffolded worksheet.
2. Highlighted text for parts in script.
3. Frequent stops and restatements of directions. |
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Discussion of rainforest article. Teacher questioning.
2. Monitor during script reading. Provide guidance and instruction.
3. Collect data from worksheets. |
G. Closure-
1. Thank students for participation.
2. Ask students to give each other "shout outs." |
7. Evaluation-
1. Completed worksheet.
2. Reflection on discussion. |