1. Topic-
Multiple Perspectives
2. Content-
Various Critical Perspectives
Media Elements

Indiana code:
1.1 - Use varied and precise words when analyzing, explaining or creating informational and literary text, descriptions, analogies or other types of figurative language. Use transitional words, appropriate context clues, and specialized vocabulary from different subject areas.
4.1 - Use a variety of strategies to develop topics and display knowledge of how to organize pieces for different purposes, topics and audiences. Synthesize relevant information from primary and/or secondary sources. Write pieces with a well-defined thesis, clear and convincing supporting evidence, appropriate transitions from one paragraph to another, and a clear and well-supported conclusion. Extend ideas to provide suggestions for further discussion and research. Revise writing, improving organization, word choice, voice and clarity. Edit writing, correctly crediting all ideas and wording from sources.
5.1 - Use a variety of strategies to plan writing and choose an appropriate genre. Write literary text that has a clear and developed narrative voice or persona, contains varied and meaningful details, and shows a command of literary devices to structure the text and advance the plot, define character, and/or set the tone. Explain the connection of the form and devices used to the purpose and audience for the piece. Review, revise and edit writing.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Introduction to class
2.Introduction to media elements
3.Understanding embedded assessment
4. Objectives-
1.Students will associate their prior knowledge of advertisements (and other media) with styles and purposes in communication.
2.Students will identify certain elements in this media as means to achieve this end (communicating what they want - how they want).
3.Students will relate this information to the embedded assessment and the things that will be covered.
5. Materials and Aids-
Have overhead ready for Eiffel Tower pics.
Check out graphic novel/comic for Tues. lesson.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.I will introduce myself to the class (even though they already know me somewhat).
2.Show pics to class - asking them to analyze the picture with what each interpretation 'says' to them noting the corresponding characteristics that back up the stance taken. Have class write an informal analysis of at least 3 of them to turn in.
3.Pass out new, white sheets of paper to students. Also, place colored markers for everybody's access.
4. Have class choose one interpretation of the Eiffle Tower to create on their own. (Some discussion is OK while they do this.) Present options of old, new, bright and pleasant, scary, gigantic, or very small (aerial vantage point).
5. Every student will provide a short, introduction to their work - explaining their visual choices that should match their pic message choice (gigantic, bright, etc.)
6. Collect drawings.

B. Development-

1.I will draw my own version on the blackboard.
2.Ask students to make a critique of my interpretation with the graphic evidence to back it up.
3. Finish up by asking students what kind of speech would equate with fine print (such as on a cigarette package). Ask if they can think of any other. This will be done open discussion.

C. Practice-

1.Have students turn to p. 261-263 in SB.
2.Have particular students read through this (paragraph by paragraph) by show of hands - stopping after each word or idea that I think they may need help with.
3.Check students for understanding/clarification.

D. Independent Practice-


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Make periodic checks for understanding/clarification by initiating this with some students and whole class.
2.Walk down rows to check work on their Eiffel critiques.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Eiffel Tower pic analysis.
(5 - two logical criticisms with clear evidence. 4 - one of these. 3 - some critique but lacking logic or effort. 2 for anything less than this. 0 - for nothing.)
2.Informal assessment of student responses to class discussions of my Eiffel rendering, 'fine print' example, and their understanding of embedded assessment.

G. Closure-

1. Ask students (if extra time presents) to write down things they would like to study in this topic. (They may be considered.)

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)