1. Topic-
Talking about the Past Events |
2. Content-
Practice of the simple past
Timelines |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.to teach how to understand the concept of a timeline
2.to teach how to use regular-irregular verbs and past tense
3.to teach how to make before-after sentences
4.to teach how to talk about the past |
4. Objectives-
-Students will be able to
1.understand the concept of a timeline and how they look.
2. see and be familiar with a variety of timelines and will have a
basic understanding of how they are read.
3.use past tense, regular-irregular verbs, before-after sentences
4.ask and answer questions about the historical events 5.understand
by reading the past events
6.tell about a memorial day important in their life
5. Materials and Aids-
-some photographs from their family albums
-interesting timeline examples |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1.Write the idiom keep track on the board and explain that it means
to organize information or details in a way that makes them easier
to remember or find.
2.Ask students:"how do we keep track of events in our personal
lives or in the lives of our families?"�
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: photo albums, scrapbooks, oral histories, calendars
and planners, home videos, etc.
3.Discuss some of the problems that can arise when keeping track of
events with photo albums and oral histories, i.e., names and dates
can be forgotten, older people often remember the details but not
the order of events; parents sometimes forget which child is which,
and which did what.
4.Ask students: what are some of the solutions to these problems?
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: Write names, dates, and details on the backs of
pictures; keep a journal to help remember details, etc.
B. Development-
1.Give the worksheets related with the timelines to the students
and ask them what they see.
2.The students will try to explain what they see, for example, a title
of e person's name, some events with time order,etc.
3. Explain to the students that they look at a specific graphic, the
timeline. Relate the time and line words. Define the word timeline,
as a table listing important events for successive years within a
particular historical period.
4. Show some samples of a timeline printed or from the Internet.
5. Show some sentence examples in past tense related with the events
in the worksheet and try to explain their grammatical features.
6.Then start to read the first event from the worksheet. |
C. Practice-
1. Call on some volunteers to read the other events.
2. Call on some volunteers to find some sentences as in the example
on the board from the events in the worksheet.
3. Call on some volunteers to explain the grammatical features of
these sentences.
4. Tell the students to turn the other page of worksheets and try
to make sentences with the words on the page as the example sentences.
5. Try to guide each student while they are making their sentences. |
D. Independent Practice-
1.Call on some volunteers to tell about a day s/he never forgot.
2.The students will try to tell about this day, the things what they
did or what happened.
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. One of the students may not want to speak out in the classroom.
2. Ask for a homemade video that will be his or her speaking activity.
F. Checking for understanding-
1.Turn on a video about a past event.
2. Tell the students to make a timeline of this video orally.
G. Closure-
1. Summarize what a timeline is, how to make sentences in the past
and how to use past tense in real life. |
7. Evaluation-
1.Take a selfie of the whole class together
2. Keep track of this photo by writing the date, the place and the