1. Topic-
Literature circles.
Last week the students were assigned books, groups and roles for the new literature activity that will be taking place in the ELA block for the next month or so. This lesson is the guiding lesson for the first literature circle.
2. Content-
The content of this lesson focuses on the discussion that will be taking place during the meeting of the 4 or 5 group members reading the same book. Being the first meeting, the teacher will give directions as to how it will take place. Each student has been given a role and must come to their meeting prepare with the responsibilities that their role entails.

QEP: ELA competencies:

Competency 1 - to read and listen to literary, popular, information-based texts
* Developing a personal response process in the context of a community of readers
*Self Evaluation: Answering of reflective questions about her/his growth in reading processes.

Cross Curricular Competencies:
* To cooperate with others
*To communicate appropriately
*To construct his or her own identity

Broad Area of Learning
Media literacy
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will engage in conversation about their reading material.
2. Students will come prepared with their role's work.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will engage in discussion.
2. Students will understand the method of the literature circle, and the logistics of how they are to meet and discuss.
3.Students will be aware that they will be graded on out of five for their discussion, based on 5 criteria: stays on topic, offers ideas, expands on ideas, takes their turn and asks questions.
5. Materials and Aids-
The students will need their books and their folders.
The teacher will need the checklist for grading the meeting.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.To introduce this lesson, the teacher will first have the students take out their books and folders.
2. The teacher will briefly go over the roles once again (as they have already spent time modeling what is expected from each role).
The teacher will then explain that each meeting will be mark out of 10. 5 marks will be from the discussion itself and 5 marks from the written work that is handed in at the end of the meeting.
The teacher will explain that there are 5 criteria that is being observed as the discussion takes place: Takes their turn, offers ideas, explain the others' ideas, ask questions and stays on topic.
The teacher will have the students know that while the discussion is taking place, the teacher will be circulating to evaluate the 5 mentioned criteria.

B. Development-

1.The teacher will ask the students to get into their groups.
The teacher will have them sit in particular areas of the classroom.
Once they are in their group, and there are no more questions from the students, the teacher will allow them to begin.
As the discussion is happening, the teacher is circulating to observe , listen and evaluate.

C. Practice-

* During the discussion time, each student will present the work that was required of their role.

D. Independent Practice-

Once they have finished their meeting, the students will be asked to returned to their desks. The students will be given a few minutes to adjust their written work.
The teacher will go around and pick up their written work while at the same time hand the students their journals.
The students will be instructed to write at least 1 thing about their literature circle discussion. The teacher can prompt the journal writing by asking what they enjoyed most about the lit. circle; they may choose to write about a comment that was mentioned, or they may choose to answer a question that was asked. The students will be given 10 minutes to write this comment.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

There is a group for the students who are on IEPs. The book is at their level and they work together with the resource teacher.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.- The journal writing will also include the student feedback as to how they enjoyed or disliked this activity as well as a more detailed response to the discussion that just took place.

G. Closure-

1. - The journal activity adds some closure to their meeting.
It cannot have complete closure as this is an ongoing theme for the term.
7. Evaluation-
Professional competencies
To act as a professional inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students.
To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar in various contexts related to teaching.
To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.
To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote student's learning and social development.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)