1. Topic-
Beginning Reading of One-Act Play "Trifles"
2. Content-
Pre-Reading and Interacting with Text, One-Act Play "Trifles", found in Interactive Reader PLUS Workbook
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Learners will successfully read, interact, and familiarize with dramatic one- act mystery play, "Trifles," by Susan Glaspell.
2. Learners will successfully learn and apply active pre- reading, guided reading, and post- reading skills and strategies throughout class- readings of play.
4. Objectives-
1. Learners will successfully recall upon prior built knowledge of court case which inspired "Trifles," "America 1900" PBS video on cultural climate, and class notes on stage directions.
2. Learners will be introduced and focus on Literary Analysis element Dramatic Irony, Active Reading skill Making Inferences, and corresponding "Trifles" vocabulary terms.
3. Learners will successfully read and interact with beginning of play "Trifles," practicing skills in: evaluation, identification, visualization, clarification, predictions, and creating inferences
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint presentations:
1. Trifles Introductions
- Dramatic Irony
- Making Inferences Activity
- Vocabulary Terms
2. Cast of Characters

Students Handout Copies
1. "Trifles" Guided Notes
2. Making Inferences Activity
3. Gender Stereotypes in America Brainstorm

Student Copies of Dramatic One- Act Play "Trifles"
1. Pages 253- 258

Whiteboard and Dry- Erase Markers.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Guided Notes, "Trifles"
Fill in Blanks

- Vocabulary:
Five Terms: Abashed, Comprehension, Covert, Facetiously, Preoccupied

Apply to images, student- driven sentences and uses.

- Dramatic Irony
Discuss and create examples.

- Making Inferences
Practice with Class Activity.

- Building Background
Recall upon prior built knowledge of court case which
inspired "Trifles," "America 1900" PBS video on cultural climate, and class notes on stage directions.

B. Development-

1. Discuss and Brainstorm:
Collaborative Learning, Gender Stereotypes in America
- Learners will brainstorm cultural stereotypes individually on handouts, then will share with another student to compare and share lists.
- Class will come together to discuss lists and gender stereotypes in the US todsay.

Activity sets students' mindset into preparation for cultural climate of the setting/ time period of the play.

2. Assign Cast of Characters
- Allow learners assigned roles time to circle or highlight speaking parts.

C. Practice-

1. Guided Reading
Interactive Reading and Writing with Text "Trifles"

2. Pause and Reflect Throughout Text for:
- Identifying and visualizing stage directions and stage setting.
- Clarifying details about characters.
- Making inferences about events in plot and developments in characters.
- Evaluating provided information and creating predictions.

3. Creating and Sharing Imagery
After Pause and Reflect page 254:
- Learners will chose one of the five characters introduced and sketch the character at the space provided on the page.
- Learners will then be asked to volunteer to approach the white board and share their sketches, in order to provide initial imagery and to share thought processing with peers.
- Images will remain on front white board during class reading as a reference point for visual learners.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Pause and Reflect:
Individual practice during checkpoints and monitor personal thought process, pages 254 and 258.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. ESL Students:
Notes provided with definitions and blanks filled, using bold and enlarged words of importance.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Active Supervision of Students Throughout Class Period
- Monitoring of level of participation, inquiry, and input.

2. Pause and Reflect Checkpoints
- Check- ins for tracking of comprehension, progress, and on- task behavior

3. Making Inferences Practice
- Class activity and handouts.

4. Students will be quizzed over five vocabulary terms later in week.

G. Closure-

1. Prompt learners with closing question:
"From the information given so far, do you think that Mrs. Wright murdered her husband?"

2. Learners will be informed that next class will be spent continuing to read "Trifles" and solve its murder mystery.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)