1. Topic-
"Rocking Horse Winner"
Elements of a Story
2. Content-
Characters: Protagonist/Antagonist
Falling Action
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will learn to make inferences when they read about a character based on little pieces of information.

2.Students will identify the main idea and supporting details in a short story.

3.Students will analyze setting, plot, theme, characterization, etc. in a particular short story.

4.Students will have a basic understanding of the elements of a story and complete a story map, circle plot diagram, graphic map, concept map, or literary elements map on a website (provided) or hard copy.

5.Students will participate in discussions and listen to other student s comments.

6.Students will participate in self-directed work for a particular purpose.

4. Objectives-
1.Students will learn to determine and understand the elements of a short story.

2.Students will successfully complete a story map, circle plot diagram, graphic map, concept map, or literary elements map on a website (provided) or on hard copy.
5. Materials and Aids-
Literary elements definition sheep (previously completed through student investigation on the web).
Websites with descriptions of the elements of a story for review as needed for each student.
Websites and/or hard copies to complete story map, circle plot diagram, graphic map, concept map, or literary elements map.

Websites and/or hard copies of short story read.


computer with beb access
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Students will review vocabulary previously completed pertaining to the elements of a short story.

2.Discussion of who, what, when,where, how, and why will take place concerning the story read.

3.Students will move into the computer room to log into the computers to complete assignment.

B. Development-

1.Students will be given a list of websites to assist them as needed:
-website to read/reread the story.
-website for maps, graphs, etc.
-websits to refresh/review the elements of a short story.

C. Practice-

1.Students will develop their own graphic organizer for identifying main ideas and supporting details.

2.Real life connection will be introduced.


D. Independent Practice-

1.Completion of the elements of a short story map, etc.

2.Discussion of story maps and organizers to determine which students are struggling with which aspects of the elements.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Teacher or other student assist students who struggle with computer skills.

2.Use scaffolding technique to assist students who are struggling with aspects of the elements of a short story.

3.Students will be held to standards presented in the IIEP.

4. Enlarged copies and or computer screen print to accommodate visually impaired students.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.When discussing with the class the elements of a story, ask probing questions to gain an understanding of where the students are. Ask questions about why they the 'who' chosen is important and how do they know.
2.When relating it to real life situations, ask questions concerning which is the most important thing and why.

3.Students will create a crossword puzzle on the puzzlemaker website.

4.Students will complete another student created crossword puzzle to determine comprehension of the elements of a shout story.

G. Closure-

1.Review ideas discussed and ask them to apply what they've learned to another book, show, or movie they have read.

2.Ask students how they can apply this knowledge to their everyday life. Give examples if time permits.
7. Evaluation-
1.Studetns will be assessed based on participation and completion of the assignments.

2.the lesson will be delivered utilizing different ,decoding strategies , and approaches.
8. Teacher Reflection-
1.Did all students gain comprehension of the elements of a short story?

-If some students did not, why not?

-If students didn't gain an understanding of certain aspects of the elements, which ones and why?

-Were students able to complete assignments on the websites provided?

-Did students utilize the information provided to them when needed?

-Did students need continuous redirection? Why?


This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)