1. Topic-
2. Content-
Key Vocabulary:
Rhyme, Slant Rhyme, End Rhyme, Internal Rhyme, Rhythm, Beat, Meter, Poetic License, Free Verse, Blank Verse, Rhymed Verse, Stanza, Line of Poetry, Tone, Mood, Diction, Dialect
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Understand what the speaker of the poem is
2. Be able to differentiate between the different types of rhyme
3. Be able to differentiate between the different types of verse
4. Have the ability to explain different strategies a speaker may use
4. Objectives-
1. Go over the different types of Rhyme
2. Go over the different types of verse
3. Define what/who the speaker is, exactly
4. Explain what poetic license enables the poet to do
5. Go over the mood and tone created by the poet
6. Review the meter and beat of a poem
7. Explain the difference between diction and dialect
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Materials needed include examples of poetry
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Who is the speaker of the poem?
2. What does the speaker of the poem do?
3. Is the speaker of the poem always the poet?

B. Practice-

1. Go over poems on the board
2. Ask students to point out different aspects of the poem
2. Things we are looking for include rhyme, verse, meter, beat, diction, dialect, and so on.

C. Checking for understanding-

Quiz on Speaker

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