1. Topic-
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
2. Content-
Review of Chapters 14-17, Part II
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Deeper comprehension of novel's content: plot, characterization and themes.

2. Comprehension of historical and cultural context of the novel, particularly regarding Kipling's "White Man's Burden".

3. Collaborate effectively and equitably to arrive at a deeper understanding beyond one's own perspective.

4. Objectives-
Standard 1
a. read and understand world literature at the literal, interpretive, and evaluative levels;
b. determine meanings of words, including those with multiple meanings, by using context clues (for example, synonyms, comparisons);
c. summarize, outline, and paraphrase literary texts;
d. infer by making connections within and among texts;

Standard 4
a. recognize an author's point of view, purpose, and historical and cultural context;
b. use reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing to solve problems;
c. know what constitutes literary quality based on elements such as the author's point of view, the author's selections of significant details, theme development, and the author's reflection of events and ideas of his or her lifetime;

Standard 6
a. read, respond to, and discuss a variety of novels representative of twentieth century;
5. Materials and Aids-
Handouts, provided by me.

Students bring novels and Response Journals to class.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Part II is where things start to 'fall apart' with the arrival of the missionaries into the villages. In groups, you will be collaborating to create answers to a series of questions, culminating in addressing the connection of this work with Kipling's poem.

B. Development-

There are 3 steps:
a. Using only Response Journals, students discuss and respond to questions in Part I. Will hand in when completed and get Part II questions.
b. Using Response Journals and books, group members will consult on Part II questions.
c. Work must be done by 11:45, at which time class will share answers.

C. Checking for understanding-

a. Walking around and listening and questioning each group as they consult.
b. Group sharing of Part II answers.

D. Closure-

Any major ideas uncovered today? Anything you understand or 'get' that you did not when you came to class?

Homework: Chapters 17-19 for Thursday, and work in response Journal.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)