1. Topic-
Transition Words and Phrases - Persuasive Writing
2. Content-
How to begin a paragraph smoothly and end a paragraph that leads into the next.

Transition words for mid paragraphs.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will evaluate their essay and begin including transitions to help with sentence fluency.
2. Students will use a reference sheet for future paragraph writing.
3. Students will understand why transitions are important and when to use them.
4. Objectives-
1. Given a list of helpful transition words/phrases, fifth grade students will determine which phrases fit the model and will practice including these transitions in their own writing.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Overhead copy of Transition activity
2. List of transitions for each student as a reference.
3. Overhead projector
4. Writing Binders
5. Graphic Organizers
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Begin the lesson by asking the students to refresh our memory of the last writing lesson.
2. What is persuasive writing? What's the point?
3. What elements should a persuasive essay have? (Argument, at least 3 supporting reasons with detail, attention getter) And TRANSITIONS!

B. Development-

1. Introduce transition words/phrases. Ask the students if they can describe what they are and why we use them.
2. Ask the students to clear their desks.
3. On the overhead, begin the transition activity.
4. Show the students the list of transitions on the one side.
5. As a class, decide how to link the sentences together using the transition words.

C. Practice-

1. Students will spend a few minutes going back into their introductory paragraph and second paragraph to highlight places that can use transitions.
2. This should take no longer than 5 minutes.

D. Independent Practice-

1. The students will complete their third paragraph in class.
2. Students can write where they want in the room. Music will be played softly in the background.
3. During this time, circulate around the room using the unit checklist to monitor progress.
4. Pull flex groups for extra help in transitions between paragraphs. These students will receive extra time to ask questions and comb through their essay with a teacher as a guide.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students with learning disabilities will be pulled in for flex groups during independent practice.
2. These students will have a reference page to keep in their writing binder for later use.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. The unit checklist will be used to check on students who were falling behind in previous lessons.


G. Closure-

1. End the lesson by bringing the group back together.
2. Discuss some of the transitions they used. How did it help the flow of their paper?
3. Complement the students on their work. Note the students who excelled in class that day.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)