1. Topic-
2. Content-
Play a game of Pictionary using 7th grade vocabulary words. |
3. Objectives-
1.Student will be able to recognize vocabulary word at his grade
2.Student will be able to figure out a way to communicate the definition
of the vocabulary word to other students.
4. Materials and Aids-
Paper, pencil, vocabulary words written on strips of paper, a jar
to mix up the words, dictionary |
5. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
First, I will explain to P. that we are going to be focusing on
vocabulary words. Then, I will ask him if he has ever played a game
of Pictionary. I will explain that we are going to be playing vocabulary
Pictionary. I will have C. help me with this activity so that there
is more than 2 people playing. Lastly, I will explain that one at
a time we will choose a vocabulary word, then we have to figure out
what the word is, what it means, and draw a picture to try and get
the other players to guess it. The first player to guess the words
will get a point. I will also explain that they will be allowed to
use a dictionary. |
B. Development-
I will pull one word from the jar, and proceed to draw a picture.
I will model how I think thought was the word means, and also how
to use the dictionary, if I do not know the word. |
C. Practice-
We will play Pictionary, until all words are gone. |
Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
Since, C. is younger and not the focus student, he will be allowed
to ask me for help with the words. I will however encourage him to
try and use his strategies to decode them first. |
Checking for understanding-
I will be using the informal assessment of observation to see how
many words he can figure out, without the dictionary. |
8. Teacher Reflection-
This lesson went excellent. He seemed to really enjoy it. There
were a few words that he was not sure of, however, he used the dictionary,
which is a great strategy. By the end, they wanted to play again,
so we played a second game. He was able to get almost every word without
the dictionary the second time. Even if it was just from memory, it
was still a great improvement. I believe that if you continues to
practices vocabulary words, this will increase his reading fluency,
along with his reading comprehension. I think the only thing I would
change, would be to have more children playing. When it is only two
children and an adult, it is hard to not always guess the word, especially
when going against a 3rd grader who does not know many of the 7th
grade vocabulary words. However, I still feel as if the lesson was
a success. |