1. Topic-
Build Suspense using some techniques that help make it effective.
Students learned about Character description before this lesson so we will activate prior knowledge and move forward from their last lesson onto how to build suspense now.
2. Content-
The Magic of 3:
Work with the senses (E.g.) A sound, a smell, a glimpse, a shadow or a feeling, etc.
1. You hear a noise. You look. Nothing.
2. You hear it again, louder, closer this time. You catch a glimpse of it. What could it be? You start to worry.
3. It's right behind you, louder than ever. You turn. There it is!
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Understand what suspense means
2.How to use suspense in a story with word referents by teasing the reader. (E.g.) It was huge and dark as night. It made a soft rumbling sound. I could felt its hot breath on my face. (The reader is dying to know - what is it? )
3. Be descriptive without giving the story or character away - let the reader raise questions -
4.Students will be able to write their own story using the Magic of 3 to build suspense.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will listen and observe how suspense can draw a reader into the story
2. Students will respond with curiosity and various facial expressions
3.Students will begin to think, process and ask questions about what they think 'it' could be.
4. Students will learn to be careful about over exaggeration. It can be small and subtle, yet suspenseful, or loud and attention grabbing like scary or explosive.
5. Materials and Aids-
The board and an active demonstration of suspense by the teacher with the assistance of a fellow teacher and a small 'surprise' prop - a stuffed animal.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Teacher introduces the word 'suspense' and asks for volunteers to ask what it means
2. As this is unfolding the teacher will demonstrate unbeknownst to the students, what this means by imagining she hears a knock at the door. Nothing, she then hears it again, goes to the door and has a conversation. Closing the door slowly she returns to the board to continue the lesson when low and behold she stops, listens, looks, smells and walks over to someone at the back and pretends that the thing is on their back. The teacher describes it in brief details, (E.G.) Ohhh, it's scary with all those spikes, I think it's dangerous, and it smells, eww so bad..
3.The teacher creates interest, excitement and awakens imaginations as she acts out the scene pretending to be interacting with the 'thing'.
4. Finally the teacher reveals the 'thing' which could be a stuffed hairy caterpillar.

B. Development-

1.Through the demonstration that took place students will describe what they thought the character was, how it made them feel, did they want to see it or not, etc.

C. Practice-

1.Students can partner up and practice the Magic of 3 on one another verbally. Then see if the partner can guess what it is.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Write 3 sentences of their own on a piece of papers using descriptive sensory words to demonstrate their comprehension of building suspense in story writing.
2. Draw images of the descriptive details of what they are hearing from their partner. (E.G.) Large soft body, feathered, ugly, beautiful, etc.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Visual and auditory instruction
2.Opportunity to participate in the lesson
3.Respond verbally or with words on the board to show their understanding of what suspense is and how to build suspense.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Respond verbally or with words on the board to show their understanding of what suspense is and how to build suspense in their stories.

G. Closure-

Volunteers explain or reiterate back to the class about how to build suspense and why it is important in story-writing.
7. Evaluation-
1.The sentences each student hands in
2.Students orally responding to opportunities to participate in an oral story telling exercise to further connect suspense with writing stories.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Read the sentences to determine whether each student was able to learn about suspense and apply it to their own story writing or telling.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)