1. Topic-
Out of This World Vacations
2. Content-
Compare/contrast characteristics of other planets to create a travel flier advertising the planet as the "best" vacation destination. Each flier will advertise the planet's key characteristics (temperature, climate, etc.)
3. Objectives-
1. Each student is able to create a flier (interactive or by hand) that advertises their chosen planet's key characteristics.
2. Each student is able to create a flier that is free of grammatical error.
3. Each student is able to present their planet destination vacation to their peers and compare and contrast their peers' findings.
4. Materials and Aids-
Computer lab time to research the planets, overhead projector to present a sample flier, paper, pencils, markers, crayons, blank student templates for the flier
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce a sample "fantasy" destination and describe why I chose the certain characteristics to advertise the planet as the best destination.
2. Let each student choose a planet they wish to advertise.
3. Take computer lab time to research the planet and create a flier to present to their peers.

B. Development-

1. Present my own "Take a Trip to Neptune" flier and demonstrate the material I'm wanting on each student's flier.

C. Practice-

1. Search for information online in the computer lab.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Complete their individual flier on their chosen planet.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Extended time periods will be given to those needing additional time to find information or finish their flier.
2. More directed attention will be given to those who can not stay on task or need more help with organization.

F. Checking for understanding-

Each student will be assessed with a rubric based on completion, peer review, presentation, error, and creativity.

G. Closure-

1. Each student will present their flier the following day in class and vote for their favorite "fantasy" destination.
2. We will do a brief overview of the characteristics we found for each planet and compare them to their surrounding planets' characteristics.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)