1. Topic-
Syntax Variety
2. Content-
Understanding sentence variety, understanding the way it impacts writing, and understanding ways to create variation within sentences
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Independently written original paragraph--At least 70% of students should be able to employ all three types of variation within their writing.
2. Revision of formal essay--At least 50% of students should be able to add sentence variety to all three body paragraphs within their essays.
4. Objectives-
1. I can define sentence variety.
2. I can explain how sentence variety impacts my writing.
3. I can name at least three ways to create sentence variety.
4. I can create sentence variety within my formal writing.
5. Materials and Aids-
Laptop and projector
Holt Handbook, sixth course
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Owens Community College Writing Center
Paper and markers
Class handouts
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Ask students to answer the following question: "What in life needs variety?" and discuss
2. Define/explain sentence variety
3. Ask students to answer the following question: "Why do you think it is important to have sentence variety within your writing?" and discuss

B. Development-

1. Look at a paragraph that lacks sentence variety and discuss the impact
2. Explain three ways to create sentence variety and give examples of each
3. Look at examples of those types of sentence variation used correctly
4. Share paragraphs that have been successfully revised to add sentence variation

C. Practice-

1. Students will write sentences that model the three types of sentence variation, then share
2. Student pairs will rewrite a paragraph, adding sentence variety, then share
3. Students will individually write an original paragraph that uses all three types of sentence variation

D. Independent Practice-

1. Writing sentences individually
2. Rewriting a paragraph with a partner
3. Writing an original paragraph individually
4. Revising a previously written essay to add sentence variety

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Groups will be chosen by the teacher to pair a higher-level student with a lower-level student to allow for guidance and modeling with good techniques from peers
2. Lower-achieving students may focus on one type of sentence variety when writing their original paragraph
3. Also, if struggling with the original paragraph, an additional paragraph for revision will be available so students do not have to generate sentences on their own
4. Higher-achieving students should explain their sentence variation choices if time allows

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Circulation of the room while students are working
2. Questions posed throughout the lesson
3. Checking of the sentences and group paragraph
4. Grading of the individual paragraph and the essay

G. Closure-

1. Review students knowledge of the three main goals
2. Play a portion of a song on repeat, "a broken record," to drive home the necessity for sentence variation
7. Evaluation-
1. Independently written original paragraph--At least 70% of students should be able to employ all three types of variation within their writing.
2. Revision of formal essay--At least 50% of students should be able to add sentence variety to all three body paragraphs within their essays.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)