1. Topic-
Writing Letters
2. Content-
This lesson will teach students how to write a letter using the 5 parts of a letter.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Define and identify the 5 structural components of a letter.
2. Compose a letter.
3. Categorize the sentence order.
4. Determine appropriate punctuation for each sentence.
5. Learn how to abbreviate states and cities.
4. Objectives-
1. Identify the structure of a letter.
2. Describe what you want to say in the letter.
3. Construct complete sentences that will be used in the letter.
4. Analyze each sentence and arrange it so they are in a letter format.
5. Evaluate your letter to make sure it is written in the proper format.
5. Materials and Aids-
Letter Writing Word Bank
Sample Letter
Sample Envelope
Card Cutouts of Sentences
Letter Practice Sheet
Envelope Practice Sheet
Book, Goodbye Curtis
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce and read a book about letter writing called Goodbye Curtis
2. Plan a field trip to the US Postal Office.
3. Discuss if anyone has written a letter and share experiences
4. Show examples of different letters and history of letter writing

B. Development-

1. Show the different parts of a letter using projector and discuss each component.
2. Demonstrate on board how to write each part.
3. Students are to identify and label each part.
6. Demonstrate on board how to address envelope
7. Students will identify and label each part including where to use commas and periods, abbreviations used for the states. punctuation used along with paragraphs.

C. Practice-

1. Referencing the sample letter, review each part, highlighting punctuation, abbreviation and have students identify each part again.
2. Students draft their own letter using letter practice sheet.
3. Give suggestions on what to write about.
4. Reference envelope sample and review each part together.
5. Students draft their own envelope using envelope practice sheet. Students are to use their real name and pretend address.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will write a second draft of their letter.
2. Analyze for any errors in punctuation, spelling.
3. Correct any misspelled words.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Provide bilingual terms for each part of the letter in the samples and practice sheets.
2. List different samples of letters with beginner to more advanced versions.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will separate in pairs and one partner will share what they learned in letter writing, other will share what they learned in envelope writing.
2. Students will share their findings with the class.
3. Students will take turns reading their letters.

G. Closure-

1. Students will describe and discuss the roles of the 5 parts of a letter.
2. Review the writing rubric for the assignment.
3. Have students self-check their letter against the rubric before turning it in.
7. Evaluation-
1. Take notes of each student's comments in class.
2. Assess each letter and determine if each student learned and understood lesson.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Review each student's letters along with their shared discussion to make sure they understood and learned the goal of the lesson.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)