1. Topic-
Basic Adding
2. Content-
Adding with mental math: Addition block game.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Use mental math strategies to add numbers fluently during online game play.

2.Work collaboratively to create a hands-on game for practicing addition and mental math.
4. Objectives-
At the end of this lesson the students should be able to successfully complete basic adding.
5. Materials and Aids-
Computers with Internet access for BrainPOP.com
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Teacher will give a lesson on basic adding before assigning the online software.

B. Development-

Lead students in a whole-class discussion about the mental math strategies they used during game play. Was it easier to combine two numbers or more than two numbers to create the target number? Why? Which combinations were the easiest to add, and which were the hardest? Show the Doubles Movie if needed to build student understanding of this mental math strategy.

C. Practice-

1. Play the Basic Adding Movie from BrainPOP Jr. to help students make connections to prior knowledge.
2. Model how to play the game. Use think-aloud strategies to show students how you use mental math during game play. You might also want to have a few student volunteers play and share they're thinking, as well.
3. Provide 10-15 minutes for students to explore the game on their own or with a partner.

D. Independent Practice-

Encourage students to work with their partner to create an addition game using their cards. They can spread their cards in an array like in the Addition Block game, then take turns selecting a target number for their partner to make with cards. Or, they can create their own original concept for a game. Provide at least 10 minutes for students to plan and practice playing their games,

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students come together as a whole group to begin a lesson on how to complete the math software successfully.
2. Students move out to pursue learning in small groups or individually.
3.Students come back together to share, make plans for additional investigations.

F. Checking for understanding-

Online quiz, recapping everything learned in the lesson and what was also leaned using brainpop.com

G. Closure-

Allow students to revisit the Addition Blocks game as well as their original games throughout the school year to build fluency with addition facts. You might also want to pair students up with different partners and allow them to teach one another their games. Encourage students to talk about their mental math strategies together.
What I have learned is that students react positively to drill and practice software incorporated in the classroom.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)