1. Topic-
Linear Functions:
a) Rate of change and slope
b)Direct Variation
c) Slope - intercept form
2. Content-
direct variation
linear equations
parallel lines
point-slope form
rate of change
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Understand the use of ratios to show a relationship between changing quantities, such as vertical and horizontal change
2. Understand that if the ratio of two variables is constant, then the variables have a special relationship, known as DIRECT VARIATION
3. Understand that you can use the slope and y-intercept of a line to write and graph an equation of the line
4. Objectives-
1. To find rates of change from tables
2. To find slope
3. To write and graph an equation a direct variation
4. To write linear equations using slope-intercept form
5. To graph linear equations in slope-intercept form
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Text Book - Algebra 1 - Chapter 5
2. Video - introduction to slopes
3. Graphing paper
4. Printed notes - summary
5. Example exercises
6. Worksheets
7. Foldables
8. Hot-Seat cards
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Video of skier - for Goal 1
2. Story of Thunder - for Goal 2
3. Video / story of a diver - for Goal 3

B. Development-

Goal 1:
a) explain and discuss "Rate of change using a table" - use Problem 1 on page 292.
b) explain and discuss "Finding slopes using a graph" - use Problems 2 - 4 on pages 293-294

Goal 2:
a) explain and discuss meaning of "Direct Variation"
use example of thunder and complete a Table on whiteboard
b) use information from table to draft an equation to reflect relationship between time and distance
c) demonstrate how to graph this direct variation
d) show example where there is no direct variation - Problem 1 on page 299

Goal 3:
a) refresh how a direct variation graph looks - page 301 (explain that here the line will always pass through (0;0)
b) show bar graph of growth of bamboo tree showing height (y-intercept) and days (x-intercept)
c) introduce and explain the slope-intercept concept of a linear equation Y = mX + b - page 305 and 307 (problem 1 -2)
d) explain and discuss writing equations from graphs and/or two points - problem 3 - 4

C. Practice-

Goal 1:
Exercise page 296-297, no's 8,11,17,23,42

Goal 2:
a)Rule-of-4 worksheet
b)Exercise page 302-303, no's 9,15,22

Goal 3:
a)Matching slope-intercept form worksheet
b)Exercise page 310, no's 7,16,22,28,37

D. Independent Practice-

Goal 1:
Exercise page 296-297, no's 9,14,18,20,24,44,46

Goal 2:
Exercise page 302-303, no's 11,14,16,19,28,29

Goal 3:
Exercise page 310, no's 8,9,11,17,23,25,32,33,39,40,43

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

One-on-one assistance during production phase - try and use very simple terminology for slower/weaker students

F. Checking for understanding-

The students will be given time in class to start questions assigned as per Independent Practice - teacher will monitor individually. Balance of worksheet completed for homework and this will be checked next day for understanding.

G. Closure-

1.At the end of every day teacher will quickly summarize the concept learnt via spot quiz or summary on whiteboard.
2.Make use of Hot-Seat cards game
3.Also, notes will be handed out.
7. Evaluation-
Checking, assessing homework for completion and correctness.
Short 5 minute worksheet once a section or chapter has been completed.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)