Subject: Algebra
1. Topic-
Polynomial Multiplication:
Specifically binomial times binomial multiplication
2. Content-
Algebra 1 - standard 10.0
Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide monomials and polynomials. Students solve multistep problems, including word problems, by using these techniques
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will understand that binomial multiplication uses the distributive property.
2.Students will understand how to use a 2x2 box to organize their binomials and multiply them out.
3.Students will be able to transfer this skill learned using the box method to being able to use a more abstract method called FOIL.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will understand the distributive property as it is used when multiplying binomials.
2.Students will understand and know how to multiply binomials using the box method.
3.Students will be able to transfer the learning from the graphic organizer to the more abstract FOIL method.
5. Materials and Aids-
Interwrite Pad, LCD projector, visuals of the 2x2 box used in the BOX method, visuals of the FOIL method and what each of the letters mean, Algebra Tiles, Prentice Hall Algebra 1 textbook - page 380 Activity Lab and pages 381-387, and practice worksheets to give more practice with multiplying binomials to students.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Tie in the last section on multiplying monomials to the this current section, by putting up a few warm problems on the LCD projector for students to complete.
2. Have small bags of Algebra Tiles passed out to the students when they walk in and work on warm ups.
3. Tell students that when they are done with the warm up they are asked to open the packets and put the tiles on their desks. This gives them a few minutes to "play" with the tiles before the activity.

B. Development-

1.First day of lesson: Using the Activity Lab on multiplying binomials with Algebra Tiles on page 380 as a guide, explain to the students what each type of tile stands for and how to demonstrate multiplication of binomials with Algebra tiles.
2. Do several of the exercises at the bottom of the page (1-6) with the students using either overhead algebra tiles or the algebra tiles gallery found on the interwrite pad.
3. On the second day of the lesson: Introduce the 2x2 box method of multiplying binomials to the student, by sharing the power point found online with the students with the steps for it as well as copies of the graphic organizer used for it. Do several examples from the textbook as well as teacher created examples to do with the students as they learn this new process.
4. On the third day of the lesson: Introduce the FOIL method to the class and that each of the letters tells the student what two terms to multiply and in what order.
5. Do several examples from the textbook as well as teacher created examples with the students using the FOIL method.

C. Practice-

Each of the three types of multiplying methods listed above has guided practice already written with it in the previous section. Students are monitored by the teacher during this part of the lesson so that the teacher can catch any errors in understanding and/or computation.

D. Independent Practice-

1. For the Algebra Tiles section the students will be given paper tiles that they can take home and work out problems. The students are then able to draw pictures of what their work with the tiles looked like and what their final answer is.
2.For the second part of the lesson the students are asked to complete a set of binomial multiplication problems using the box method that are on a worksheet that I will provide.
3.Following the third part of the lesson the students will be given another binomial multiplication worksheet of problems. For this assignment I tell the students to use with the Box method or the FOIL method depending on which method they feel most successful with.
4. There will be at least 2 more days reviewing this skill and giving the student either problems that can found in the textbook or a supplemental worksheet that the teacher provides.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. The use of manipulatives such as the Algebra Tiles.
2.The use of a Graphic Organizer when teaching the 2x2 box method.
3. The LCD projector and interwrite pad to present the information and visual aides in the lesson

F. Checking for understanding-

1.During each of the guided practice episodes listed above the teacher is constantly monitoring the work that the students are doing either alone or with a partner in class. The teacher makes sure correct errors or misconceptions at this point.
2. When the independent practice is assigned, the teacher makes sure to be available to students who need help before they leave class and finish the assignment at home.
3.The independent practice assignments are corrected the next day so students know how well they did working out the problems on their own.
4. An assessment is given after all the lessons on binomial multiplication are completed. This is teacher created and is not a multiple choice test. This way the teacher can see how the problems were solved.

G. Closure-

1. The teacher tells the students that the multiplying of binomial is just the first step to understanding factoring of polynomials.
2.Now that they know how to multiply polynomials we will now learn how to do the opposite of this skill and now factor the polynomials back into the binomials we started with.
7. Evaluation-
1.How did students do with the guided practice and in class participation.
2.How did students do on daily assignments and activities.
3. How did the students do with the final lesson assessment?
4. Items 2 and 3 above can most likely be given a quantitative score. A score of 80% and above would show a mastery of the concept, and a score in the 70% range would show me that the student has a basic understanding of the concept.

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