1. Topic-
2. Content-
add, subtract, and multiply polynomials
-power names
-names of equations
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
The student will perform operations with numbers and expressions to solve problems
4. Objectives-
1.Write equivalent forms of algebraic expressions to solve problems.
2. Apply lows of exponents
3. Operate with polynomials
4. Effectively graph polynomials and discuss behaviors
5. Materials and Aids-
BrainPop video (polynomials)
Golden ticket warm- up
mini quiz
exit slip
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Golden ticket warm-up to assess the students' knowledge of Day 1 material
2.Mini Quiz over terminology
3. Review the distributive property and go over addition and subtraction from day 1.

B. Development-

1.Talk about combining like terms as a whole group
2. Notes with key terms
3. Notes multiplying polynomials
4. Notes on graphing polynomials

C. Practice-

1.Give examples
2.Go over each step of the example, have students use academic language to explain
3.Give each pair a problem to work on. Must describe each step using academic language
4. whole group discussion of problems

D. Independent Practice-

Homework, students will use academic language

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.SPED students will work closely with an peer that can explain everything effectively. Can provide students a template to solve the equation to organize their thoughts
2.ESL students will use the visual examples as a template to follow. Will accept basic terms as a description

F. Checking for understanding-

3.group problem
4. whole group participation
5. Homework

G. Closure-

1.Review today's topics by asking students questions
2.Exit slip

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)