1. Topic-
2. Content-
prime, composite, factors, factorization
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Help students understand that every number can be broken down into prime numbers that are multiplied together.
2. Have students demonstrate their ability to use graphic organizer-factor tree.
3. Have students produce prime factorization by ordering the numbers and using exponents.
4. Materials and Aids-
5-2 Worksheets
72 factor sheets
Computer-Envision Math video
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Find the factors of 25, 9, 12, 7 and 20
2. Introduce vocabulary word-factorization
3. Introduce vocabulary word-prime factorization

B. Development-

1. Salad activity-show how we break down into smaller portions what we need to make a salad
2. Show how to break down 14 into primes
3. Show how to break down 35
4. Use graphic organizer--factor tree-
5. Envision video showing prime factorization


C. Practice-

1. Buddy activity--have students finish the factor trees that have been started for them. (All are factors of 72 and will have the same prime answers) Discuss their results.
2. Show how to check your work.
3. Demonstrate how smallest factors go first, then combine with exponents
4. Notebook-practice/compare answer with buddy

D. Independent Practice-

1. 5-2 Practice Worksheet
2. 5-2 Enrichment Worksheet
3. 5-2 Reteaching (Resource)

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Resource students will not use exponents yet.
2. Resource students will have the lesson pre-taught to them, using the Reteaching worksheet for practice before the general education lesson.
3. Multiplication and prime number charts can be used

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Questions throughout the lesson.
2. Buddy Check
3. Homework assignment

G. Closure-

Quick Check Exit Slip
7. Evaluation-
**From the assessment-did they get it?
**What went well?
**What were the common errors and misconceptions?
**What are we going to change next time or expand on?
8. Teacher Reflection-
Everything could have gone quicker, if I had a more concise introduction for students.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)