1. Topic-
Prime Factorization and Greatest Common Factor
2. Content-
Prime Number, Common Factors, Greatest Common Factor, Multiples, Factor Tree
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
The student will have the ability to factor a group of numbers into it's prime components and from that find the greatest common factor.
4. Objectives-
1. The student will understand and recognize primes.
2. The student will be able to breakdown two or more numbers into its prime factors. N.MR.05.01, N.FL.05.05, N.MR.05.07(Core)
3. From a group of Prime Factors the student will be able to find the Greatest Common Factor. N.FL.05.05, N.MR.05.07
5. Materials and Aids-
Marker and Whiteboard (Pencil and Paper if not),
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. The students will play Multiplication/Division around the world in order to peak interest and review math facts
2. The teacher will discuss prime numbers with students

B. Development-

1. The teacher will model how to create a factor tree and list Prime Factors
2. The teacher will show how the students can use the Prime Factors to find the Greatest Common Factor

C. Practice-

1. The students will practice creating factor trees and listing primes
2.The students will practice finding the greatest common factor on a whiteboard

D. Independent Practice-

The students will complete a Greatest Common Factor worksheet

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

The teacher can also show how to find the greatest common factor through listing(although not recommended because of the chance students miss factors)

F. Checking for understanding-

The worksheet along with teacher input will act as the assessment for understanding

G. Closure-

Discuss with students how knowing the greatest common factor will help in other aspects in math(prompt fractions).

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)