1. Topic-
Slope-Intercept Form
2. Content-
y=mx + b
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Students will be able to determine the equation of a line when it is not written in the y=mx + b format
4. Objectives-
Students will be asked to use prior knowledge when writing the linear equation.

m= slope
b= y-intercept
5. Materials and Aids-
Overhead Projector/Transparencies/markers/handout
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Problem of the day will focus students taking the given slope and y-intercept and writing the correct equation

B. Development-

Teacher will begin lesson by reviewing the correct format for a linear equation and how it should be written

y = 2x + 2

C. Practice-

Teacher will model how sometimes linear equations are not given to us in the y=mx + b format

Ex. 2y = 4x +2

Teacher will model several examples before giving the students and opportunity to try them on their own

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students will have the opportunity to practice each of the above

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Students who need it will give more one on one attention
2.Students will be paired with another student who can assist them
3. If necessary students will be given a calculator to assist them with some of the integer division

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Teacher will give students a task at the end of the period to ensure student understanding

Coach book 259

G. Closure-

1.Students will be able to explain the difference between an equation already written in the y=mx + b format and one that is not and what to do in that situation

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)