1. Topic-
Percent and Proportions
2. Content-
Vocabulary: Ratios, Percent/Rates, Proportions, Part, Whole/Base,Cross-Multiply
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will understand the concept of a percent as part of a whole.

2. Students will understand the given percent formula as a proportion.

3.Students will apply prior knowledge of solving proportions problem to solving a percent problem:finding part
4. Objectives-
1. students will be able to analyze and identify the three parts of a "find the part" percent number sentence.

2.Students will be able to analyze and identify the three parts of a "find the part" percent word problem.

3. Students will be able to substitute the correct values into the Percent Proportion Formula from given information in a percent number sentence and word problem.

4.Students will use the proportion method to solve for the part in a percent number sentence and a word problem.
5. Materials and Aids-
Whiteboard/smartboard, composition book, worksheet, discount adds, math book
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Write the % symbol on the board and ask students what it is, where they have seen the symbol, and how it is used in their lives.

2.Write their responses on the board.

3.Talk about the meaning of the word "Per Cent" as "a part out of a total of 100(%)" and make the connection between other words with the "cent" root: cents, century, centipede, centimeter.

4. Briefly review the connection between decimal, fraction, and percent in terms of hundredths: .25 = 25/100 = 25%.

5. Describe a percent as a ratio or fraction that is part/whole, with the whole as always being 100%. Describe the relationship in a proportion.

B. Development-

1.Briefly review Ratios and Solving proportions.

2.Explain to the class that the same Cross-Product Rule used to solve proportion problems can be used to solve percent problems. Hand out the Finding the Part Using the Proportion Method Graphic Organizer.

3.Explain the different parts of the Percent Number Sentence and how they fit into the Proportion Formula.

4.Demonstrate by solving the sample problems using the Cross-Product Rule with and without a calculator.

5.Ask students to solve the rest of the Number Sentence problems, in pairs if they choose, and monitor their work.

6. Review the answers and calculations together.

C. Practice-

1.Demonstrate how to substitute values into the formula using information given in the sample word problem and solve the problem without a calculator.

2.Remind the class of the importance of checking your work and making sure that the answer is reasonable.

3.Demonstrate how to solve the next problem with the use of the calculator.

4. Ask students to complete the practice and closely monitor their progress.

D. Independent Practice-

Give students individual practice worksheet.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Allow students to complete the assignment at home if necessary.

2.Allow the full use of the calculator for those with that specific IEP Testing Accommodation.

3.Allow students to complete the assignment in pairs.

5. Be available for extra guidance and questions when needed.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Ask for each student to come to the board to show to the class how they solved one of the Independent Practice problems.

2. Provide guidance if needed and praise them.

3.Collect completed work to check their calculations and answers.

G. Closure-

Ask several students to recall what they learned.
7. Evaluation-
Determine the level of understanding based on results from calculations and answers on the Independent Practice.


This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)