1. Topic-
Relationships of Fractions
2. Content-
Standard 6.0 Knowledge of Number Relationships and Computation/Arithmetic

Students will describe, represent, or apply numbers or their relationships or will estimate or compute using technology.

* 2. Apply knowledge of fractions and decimals


1. Read, write, and represent proper fractions of a single region using symbols, words, and models
2. Read, write, or represent proper fractions of a set which has the same number of items as the denominator using symbols, words, and models
3. Find equivalent fractions
7. Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers with or without using the symbols (<, >, or =)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students define a fraction
2.Students recognize numerator
3.Students recognize denominator
4. Objectives-
1.Students are able to evaluate the numerator and denominator
2.Students are able to compare fractions
3.Students are able to find equivalent fractions
5. Materials and Aids-
Smart Board interactive lesson
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Define a fraction
2.Define numerator/denominator
3.Review terms less than, greater than, and equal to

B. Development-

1.Model that the part is the numerator
2.Model that the whole is the denominator
3.Model how to compare fractions

C. Practice-

1.Students identify numerators and denominators using technology
2.Students sort fractions
3.Students find equivalent fractions

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students are able to identify the parts and the whole
2.Students are able to recognize the order of fractions
3.Students are able to find equivalent fractions with ease

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Students who are ELL will be given body language and gestures when giving directions
2.Students who have an IEP will have directions read to them
3.Students who are physically handicapped will be assisted by instructor

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Student has a chance to participate and demonstrates knowledge of numerator/denominator
2.Student is able to get most of the comparisons correct
3.Student is able to find an equivalent fraction most of the time

G. Closure-

1.Fractions are an important part of life
2.Remember the memory association technique for numerators and denominators

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)