1. Topic-
Review of Basic Fraction Concepts
2. Content-
whole (or ONE unit), mixed number, denominator, numerator, "whole" box
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Number and Numeration Goal two (understanding of the meanings, use, and representation of numbers and numerical relations)(Read, write, and model fractions; solve problems involving fractional parts of a region or a collection; describe and explain strategies used; given a fractional part of a region or a collection, identify the unit whole).
4. Objectives-
To review fractions as parts of a whole (ONE), fractions on number lines, and uses of fractions.
5. Materials and Aids-
Math Journal 2, pp. 185-187, Student Reference Book, p. 43, pattern blocks, straightedge, calculator, slate, Fraction Fun by David A. Adler, Math Journal 2, p. 188, Student Reference Book, p. 259, Study Link Master (Math Masters, p. 203), 8 each of number cards 1-10 (from 2 Everything Math Decks)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Read Fraction Fun and ask students if they must share with their siblings at home.
2.Mental Math exercises-multiples

B. Development-

1.In small groups,ask students to share their examples of how fractions are used outside of math class.
2.Refer to page 43 to find other uses.
3.Tell students that in this lesson they will review fractions as parts of wholes, measures, and counts.

C. Practice-

1.Groups of students play Product Pileup to develop automatically with multiplication facts.
2.With Math Boxes and Study Link activities, students practice and maintain skills.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Ask students to list 3 ways that fractions are used outside of math class.
2. Math Boxes 7.1, Math Journal 2, p. 188
3.Study Link 7.1

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.ELL students add numerator and denominator to their math word banks.
2.Have all students create a Fraction Number-Line Poster, but assess students with Learning Disabilities for readiness.
3.Enrichment-have students construct equilateral triangles and make designs with pattern blocks. Label blocks as a fraction of the design or the ONE.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Grade Study Link 7.1 as a whole group.
2.Check papers and group students according to which problems missed. Allow students to work through problems to correct.
3.Myself and the aide(s) teachers take student(s) requiring intervention

G. Closure-

1.Display number line projects.
2. Allow students to ask questions to be answered by classmates to clarify uncertainties.
7. Evaluation-
Journal page 186 assessment

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)