1. Topic-
Number: Partitioning
2. Content-
Number, partitioning.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students partition with MAB blocks.
2. Students partition written numbers (into 10000's).
4. Objectives-
1. Using MAB students partition numbers up to 3999 (numbers provided on board).
2. Students write number partitioning of MAB into a table form
3. Students write number partitions up to 10000 into a table (without MAB, numbers provided on board)
5. Materials and Aids-
MAB, maths books
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. What do you know about partitioning numbers?
2. Why do we partition numbers?

B. Development-

1. Use MAB blocks to model partitioning of 3 different sets of numbers.
2. Model writing the partitions into a table.
3. Model writing partitioning of larger numbers into table without the use of MAB.

C. Practice-

1. In groups of four students work through questions with MAB.
2. Each student writes the answers into a table.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Individually, students work through final numbers writing the answers in their table only (without MAB). Numbers provided on board ranging in their 100's to 10000's.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. In a small group, students who require it continue to use MAB to assist in partitioning (numbers only up to 10,000 due to lack of MAB).
2. Capable students partition numbers into the 100000's, without the use of MAB.
3. Capable students look into extended partitioning.
4. Capable students add a range of 10 numbers supplied. Students then partition each number to add them eg: 1269 = 1000+200+60+9. Did you arrive at the same number.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. As a class answer first lot of questions (hands up).
2. Students come to the front of the class and write answers up on board, explaining as they go.
3. Questions?

G. Closure-

1. What to you now know about partitioning numbers?
2. Why do we partition numbers?
3. What did you find difficult/easy about partitioning numbers?
4. Write a quick reflection.
7. Evaluation-
1. Number of correct answers.
2. Ability to use MAB to assist in answering questions.
3. Able to write extended partitions into 10000's/100000.

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