1. Topic-
4/26 - Number & Number Sense/Computation & Estimation/Measurement & Geometry
4/28, 5/2, 5/6, 5/10 - 8.15
5/4 - ARDT Testing
2. Content-
8.15 The student will
a) solve multistep linear equations in one variable with the variable on one and two sides of the equation;
b) solve two-step linear inequalities and graph the results on a number line; and
c) identify properties of operations used to solve an equation.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
8.15 -
1. Review - Solving 1 and 2 step equations
2. Combine Like Terms
3. Solve equations with more than one variable on the same side of the equation
4. Solve equations with variables on both sides
5. Solve equations utilizing the distributive property
4. Objectives-
5. Materials and Aids-
- Scientific Calculators
- Document Camera
- LCD projector
- Smart Board
- Foldable Notebooks
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

(Each Day)Snapshot - a review of the previous day's material

B. Development-

(Each Day)
1. Foldable Notebook (create and/or complete)
2. 8.15 - Smartboard Lessons(Solving 1 and 2 step equations
3. 8.15 - Activity(Combining Like Terms)
4. 8.15 - Video (Solving Multi-Step Equations/Distributive Property)

C. Practice-

1. Notebook Foldable - "Practice" and "Try it" Questions
2. Guided Practice
3. Homework
4. Video Questions
5. Activities

Checking for understanding-

1. Practice S.O.L. Tests
2. Guided Practice Review
3. Practice Questions


Review of Guided Practice Questions and Practice S.O.L. Test
7. Evaluation-
Released S.O.L. Tests


This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)