1. Topic-
2. Content-
Tangram manipulative game
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Manipulate shapes in an organized manner.
2.Recognize and identify geometric shapes, colors, and patterns.
3.Recognize, manipulate, and reproduce shapes with symmetry.
4. Objectives-
1.Ability to recognize shape an give correct name.
2. Ability to recognize colors and give correct name.
3.Ability to reproduce picture while manipulating shapes.
4. Ability to recognize number of side and size to each shape.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Set of 7 shapes in various sizes and colors.
2. Set of flash cards with matching shape and color of each game piece.
3. Several game boards with pictures made with shapes being taught.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce shapes.
2. Introduce colors.
3. Introduce pictures.
4. Introduce and demonstrate flash cards.
5. Demonstrate shape manipulation.
6. Demonstrate game procedures.

B. Development-

Children should be able to demonstrate, recognize and manipulate shapes into recognizable pictures.

C. Practice-

Children will be split into groups of four and each group will chose a tangram picture to work with. The teacher will show a flash card to the group allowing one child to answer. If the child answers correctly the team is allowed to choose the same color and shape that was on the flash card and add the piece to their team picture. This is done around the room giving each child a chance to give an answer and add a piece to their team's picture. The first group to complete their picture correctly is the first place winner. This procedure will continue until all teams have finished.

D. Independent Practice-

Evaluations are made during the game to see how each child is progressing with the recognition of geometric shapes, colors, and manipulation to reproduce given objects.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Accommodations will be made for children that are having difficulty with recognizing shapes, colors, and manipulations of pieces. Children with difficulties in these areas will have extra one-on-one time practice with shapes and game.

F. Checking for understanding-

Each child will be given a set of shapes and game pieces to individually demonstrate the shapes, colors, and ability to reproduce pictures and be given extra instruction if needed along with feedback on the completion of the project.

G. Closure-

Each child will increase their knowledge base of geometric shapes, colors, and be able to demonstrate how shapes can be flipped, turned and manipulated to create an object and how many different shapes make the objects we see all around us.
7. Evaluation-
1. Each child will be able to recognize basic colors.
2. Each child will be able to recognize and name geometric shapes.
3. Each child will be able to recognize the number of sides each geometric shape has.
4. Each child will be able to connect shapes to objects in their environment.
5. Each child will learn how to work together as a team to reach a common goal.
6. Each child will be able to manipulate geometric pieces to create a selected object.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)