1. Topic-
Graphing Inequalities
2. Content-
less than, less than or equal to, more than, more than or equal to, slope, y-intercept.

3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will develop Slope-y intercept and inequality vocabulary
2. Students will practice simplifying
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to identify the slope and the y intercept on a graph on the board, and discuss what they mean.
2.Students will be able to simplify inequalities to fit the Y=Mx + B formula together
3. Students will be able to complete the steps of simplifying inequalities and graphing the slope of a line independently.
5. Materials and Aids-
White Board, marker, worksheet with inequality and graphing problems.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. DO NOW.
x = 1x, T/F?
x = x/1, T/F?
And review.

2. We're going to learn how to graph the slope of a line, and to simplify our inequalities so that they are in a format that we can graph.

3. We'll start with a question. What would it mean if you said "Ms. L, I'm going to get AT LEAST a 95 in your class". What other grades might you get in my class if you're going to get AT LEAST a 95?

B. Development-

1.When you hear or read words like AT LEAST, or AT MOST, these vocabulary words signal that we can write an inequality and graph it's slope.

Take one minute to write out what that would look like in the following format: Y is blank than 95 if Y is the score that you are going to get in my class.

Refer to the key on the board for the inequality signs you can use to say that you're grade will be at least 95.

Please put your pen in the left corner of your desk so I know you're done and ready to graph it.

2.(walk around the room, see that someone has it, and prime them to share out).

3. Great, so we have Y is greater than or equal to 95. What other grades might you get in my class? (share out a couple).

4. OK so let's graph it.
FIRST STEP: to graph this, we need to make this look like the slope, y-intercept formula. (Ask, does anyone remember what the slope, y-intercept formula looks like? and provide it if not.)

STEP 2, identify the y intercept and the slope. Y > 1x + 95.

STEP 3, Agree on scaling. Plot the y intercept. Do you agree? Why is this the y intercept?

STEP 4, The y intercept is where we start, to know what the slope looks like on the graph, we need to know how many to count count up and down on the y axis, and right and left on the x axis. STEP 5 We need to make the 1 in front of the x a fraction. 1/1.

So count positive 1 on the y axis and negative 1 on the x axis and plot another point. We'll need to do this a couple times so that we have enough plots to connect into a line.

C. Practice-

Another example together, students come to the board and help fill out each of our steps.

Y > 2x + 6

D. Independent Practice-

Worksheet, I am walking around and helping as needed.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Key on the board. Vocabulary and inequality signs. Slope, Y-intercept formula on the board, as well as identity properties of multiplication and division. There's also m= y/x on the board.

2. Slope Y intercept formula is color coded for each element. We're using these colors throughout instruction.

3. Worksheet has students complete everything we did step by step. Problem 1 is make this look like a slope-yintercept formula, problem 2 has them identify the slope, and identify the y intercept.

F. Closure-

Thank you for your attention. Great job today. Please fill out the exit slip I've placed on your desk (asks them to circle anything from today that they were not clear on).

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)