1. Topic-
Compare Length,Estimate and Measure Length
2. Content-
Long, longer, short, shorter, tall, taller
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
TSW be able to estimate and measure length in nonstandard units.
TSW be able to compare lengths of objects with the words, long,longer, tall, taller, short, and shorter.
4. Objectives-
GLE 0006.4.3 Compare and order measurable attributes of objects directly (by comparing them with each other) and indirectly (by comparing both with a third object).
0006.4.7 Make direct and indirect comparisons between objects (such as recognize which is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, or holds more).
5. Materials and Aids-
Pencil, math book, cubes, classroom objects, pencil, practice page 11.4, basket of items
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

TTW have students take their cubes out of their baggie and make a cube train with fewer than five cubes and then a train with more than five cubes. TTW ask the students to compare the cube trains.

TTW introduce estimating. TTW ask the students who knows what the word estimate means. TTW explain that estimate means to guess. TTW hold up an object and have the students estimate how many cubes are needed to measure the object. Then ttw measure the object to show the students if there were correct with the estimation.


B. Development-

TTW have classroom items such as a paper clip,glue stick, eraser, paintbrush and pencil. TTW have students compare the objects to a five cube train. TTW hold up an object and have students compare its length to the cube train. TSW evaluate and state which is longer, taller or shorter. TTW model how to estimate how many cubes to use on an item. Then ttw will model measuring using the cubes on the item.

C. Practice-

TTW have students open their math books to page 205-206. TSW will name and compare each item. TSW evaluate how they are different and alike. TTW have students circle the taller item and underline the shorter TSW do the same procedure by circling the longer item and underlining the shorter.

TTW have a basket of items on each table. TTW have students pull out an item and estimate as a group how many cubes are needed to measure the item. Each group will share what their estimation is. Then ttw have the students measure their item with their cube train. Again each group will share their measurement. TTW have students complete this activity using different items in their basket.


D. Independent Practice-

TSW have a five problem worksheet where they will work on their own to show their knowledge in comparing lengths. TSW circle the taller or longer object and underline the shorter.

TSW take out their math books to page 211-212. TTW have the students think about the length of the cubes to help estimate the length of each object. TSW record their estimation. Then ttw have the students take the cubes and measure the objects and record their measurements.


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Students will be at a table of four during lesson and work. There is at least one student designated at each table to help a student that needs extra help.

Students that need extra help will have a designated "buddy" at their table that can help them.


F. Checking for understanding-

TTW have students brainstorm places that have tables such as, desks, cafeteria, library. TSW use body measurements and string to compare and order the heights and lengths of these items. As a class we will graph them on paper from shorter to taller.

TTW have students complete practice page 11.4 on estimating and measuring length to check for understanding.


G. Closure-

TTW ask students to give examples of taller, shorter, longer with tall, short and long. TTW have students state how we compared objects today. To close the lesson ttw ask the students how do we estimate? TSW say we think of the object and decide how many cubes are needed to measure the object.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)