1. Topic-
Long Division
2. Content-
- quotative division
- distributive property
- sharing/dealing out strategy
- 1,2,5 strategy
- standard long division algorithm
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. - students will divide three-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers, using concrete materials, estimation, student-generated algorithms, and standard algorithms
2. - students will develop, select,and apply problem-solving strategies as they pose and solve problems and conduct investigations,to help deepen their mathematical understanding
Materials and Aids-
- various manipulatives (base ten blocks, counters, etc.)
- reference materials (e.g., hundreds boards, multiplication chart, anchor charts, problem solving exemplar)
- 11 x 17 paper (word problem printed on them as well as problem solving process)

A. Introduction-

1. Review various division strategies we have learned thus far.
2. Introduce problem to students - story format

B. Development-

1. Explain what is expected from them (e.g., 4 steps of problem solving process; may use manipulatives and reference aids with the exception of calculators to answer the question; once they have solved the problem need to prepare for an oral explanation to the class/teacher to demonstrate their knowledge of concepts)
2. 30 minutes to complete the question.

C. Practice-

1. Previous to the problem students have had an opportunity to develop/learn strategies to divide two-digit and three-digit numbers.
2. Previous to this problem students have had an opportunity to practice using the problem solving process introduced during the unit. (Highlighting important information, Recording what they know, Choosing a strategy/solving the problem, Answering in a sentence).

Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Allowing reference aids such as anchor charts, exemplars, and multiplication charts
2. Elizabeth, Erika O., Jordin, and Ruth will be given a similar problem that is less complex (e.g., two-digit dividend and no remainder).
3. Elizabeth, Erika O., Jordin, and Ruth will have a problem sheet that is divided into sections related to the problem solving process.
4. Elizabeth, Erika O., Jordin, and Ruth will have access to an EA to assist them.
5. Elizabeth, Erika O., Jordin and Ruth will have extra time to complete the question.

Checking for understanding-

Once I have had a chance to see what each student is doing (make brief anecdotal notes/sketches of strategies) I will invite students with solutions that are both correct and incorrect. Students will present solutions to the class. Will allow the class to comment on the solutions and ask questions.


Word problems are handed in to be marked.
Word problems are marked using both the anecdotal notes and a rubric. Next steps will be indicated. Printed and given to students.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)